Taking Care of Tomorrow

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)


Nothing is promised; the only certainty is change. While we wait for the inevitable change, time ticks life into the mysterious oblivion called tomorrow, and there's no warning for when it comes.

Tomorrow's coming, and there's nothing we can do to stop it. However, we can make preparations for the inevitability. It is a chore that can't be avoided, a task placed upon us by father time and mother nature shows the result.

Tomorrow is on the horizon, I know where it is, but I can't see it. It is calling out to me, but I can't hear it. Such a frustrating thing to live perpetually oblivious, yet agonisingly close to the answer.

When I think about tomorrow, I think about my parents. They're old and slow, way slower than they use to be in younger years. I can see their energy waning, I can see life draining their life force, and I wish time would just stop for a moment, but tomorrow never sleeps. My mum tells me to be strong; she said she's ready for the inevitable, that she's run her race and mine has just begun. Sometimes I wonder if this coward deserves those brave words.

I talk to my mother about tomorrow, about the inevitable and these things that bother me but she doesn't know. She tells me that no matter how long you live on Earth, tomorrow is an inevitable mystery that comes along. She said tomorrow could be a trainwreck or garden of roses, and it could be getting stung by a bee or a kiss from the love of your life. It is a blessing and a curse.

I look in the mirror, and there it is, staring ominously back at me like an ignorant speck of grey hair on my chin, a timely reminder that tomorrow comes. Like I wasn't made aware of it's coming from the stress on my back or the strain in my neck. Tomorrow is a cruel bastard at the end of the day, pounding my door with all these time-based reminders.

I have to be prepared mentally, emotionally and physically for whatever tomorrow brings. Then I also have to accept that despite making all these preparations, I will still never be prepared for what is to come. Oh well, it's time to shut my eyes one more time and embark on this journey to tomorrow. Sleep