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RE: First time trying Sake

in GEMS3 years ago

Well, criticism is important for better me of anything. I dislike sushi. Have never understood it. Maybe it's because there's too much emphasis of our western societies on the personal. I bet sushi in Japan is always made in the same way. And certainly it's been so for centuries. Thus, is a tradition. The same is true for the things I like about Japanese cuisine. Ramen is a particular favorite of mine. I can make it but it requieres a lot of of expensive things. I believe that's a reason why in Venezuela we don't have a place that sells that kind of stuff. It's a lot of work.

In regards to sake, it's that kind of drink that's easy to overdue. Something like Smirnoff when it is flavored. The only time I had a sip of it was after working a whole day in an anime convention selling Japanese food. So it is was a fitting end for the day.


Yo también soy de Venezuela pero estoy en el exterior :) Bueno, allá busqué en Caracas sitios similares y de verdad que no, y tienes razón los insumos son costosos

Ah, bueno. Seguro que por fuera si se puede conseguir algo de gastronomía japonesa fuera del sushi.