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RE: The long and short of it

in GEMS5 years ago

I am seriously impressed. Seriously.

When I was a kid my dad cut our hair (I didn't find out until much later that it was the same clipper he used on the horse's manes). (The damn horses always looked good.) It was not pretty and generally speaking painful. It ended when I was about 6. I asked if it was a rule that your hair had to be butchered to go to church on Sunday. From then on it was the local barber who told me if I didn't sit perfectly still he might accidentally cut off my ear and that his dog was anxiously waiting for the next ear to hit the floor. A big shorthair named Joe.

I knew a guy that cut his own hair when I was young. In a couple weeks it looked just fine, and he was a cowboy for crying out loud. He played bass fiddle in the local dance band and wore a hat the first week or two after his haircut.

I absolutely agree with your assessment that people are much more than their physical selves, but attractive packaging never ever hurt a product.


My um cut my hair for a while...I didn't like it however I think that's a story most people could tell. These days my wife cuts my hair...And it has saved thousands in hairdressing costs over the years. I wear a hat most of the time when I'm not at my job so I cold probably get away with cutting my own hair...A hat can hide so many disasters.