in GEMS5 years ago

Brasscoutic Group Player have three people and have other teams such as Video Director and Story Director. This group is an acoustic music group and was formed on February 28, 2020. For this post I will introduce one of the Story Director in Brasscoustic formation.


SYAHRIAL aka RIAL as a Story Director

Syahrial or commonly called Rial, is a frontman from the duo group RialDoni. The man born in Lamno, Meulaboh, has been in Banda Aceh for a dozen years. After the Tsunami hit Aceh on December 26, 2004, he decided to connect and continue his education to Banda Aceh.


When the Brasscoustic project began, he gave a lot of input and made a storyline so that the project video was not too monotone and had its own story on the project.


This man has quite a lot of expertise besides being a frontman and vocalist in the duo group he can also create works so quickly. Lyrics for the lyrics he can create in an instant. Now, the Brasscoustic project is greatly assisted by him. Hopefully in the future more and more works will be presented by this project.

WhatsApp Image 2020-02-15 at 16.18.55 (6).jpeg

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Admin of @brasscoustic

First Music Cover in Youtube by @brasscoustic