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RE: Price Stagnation with Hive :(

in GEMS5 years ago

For the most part I try to stay out of the drama of STEEM / HIVE at this point because it has almost been 4 years of me pulling my hair out frustrated because out of all the blockchain projects these have the best use cases in a lot of ways.

I think it is cool and a lot of people worked hard on different aspects but it runs into the same issues it always had and I have detailed several times.

The power down cycle essentially does nothing except keep investors away. It should be set to 3 or 7 days for security purposes.

Secondly simply putting ads up and using part of that money to buy HIVE and distribute it to people who have solid engagement rules drives more demand to blog and demand for HIVE. It creates a perpetual feedback loop because the more you get the more people would blog creating and even bigger SEO funnel.

The proposal system is great but it is just the same circle jerk as before.

These blockchains are like churches in the midwest. There are 3 or 4 of them in little 1000 person towns because no one could get along and wanted to be in charge.

I would really like to see HIVE become something but I think it will just always be something where you could make a few dollars worth of crypto.

Really sinking money and too much time in it has been a tough road for a lot of people.
There are just a handful of people who control this chain and make decent money. Everyone else is trying to make picking up pennies in the gutter a full time career.


As always your Comment goes well up and beyond. Thanks bro :)