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RE: It's a Liberating Feeling to Blog Only when You want to

in GEMS5 years ago

to the newbies that they take a second and reflect on their journey. And do not try to force things. If three days a week blogging/vlogging is something that you can efficiently manage to keep up for years...then just do three times a week blogging, If it is three tines a month that you can manage...well blog for three tines a month,

Yep thats the best for newbies, unfortunately most new arrivals are here for only one thing. Money and fast please, so they try to make a thing ( not even a blog ) every day , and like the other commenter said quality over quantity is far fetched.

I am an addict and so i am here every single day cause i am building a library of life for me and my family, all is on the blockchain. But after what you been trough i will bet if that happened to me i wouldnt be here every day, so we understand and love the blogs that come from your hand and hart