I love the boardwalk, it looks very attractive to go inside with the vibrant lights, psos was the first to reply on my Portugal holiday with tips to go because he lives there, we didnthave a meet up but maybe i will join in this challenge and remind him of that, thats fun. 2,5 years on the blockchain and i am already looking back and thinking in blogs ohhh oh i am an addict i guess.
“ Plans to reopen the economy is being debated while 320 million Americans still remain untested. How can any sane person allow this to happen.; “ On this matter well dear I do not know, its a bad foresight , stay safe and hopefully sanity will fall on him
Hi @brittandjosie. It's a sobering thing to watch someone representing a country who undoubtedly has no leadership capacity. Empathy doesn't reside in him; compassion doesn't either. It's a sad day for America as he egged on protestors to open the economy back up while withholding supplies needed to test those same protestors. The U.S. and the world will never be the same.
Yes, the Boardwalk is a lovely place to visit. Relaxing and watching the boats cruise through the Bay is calming. Can't wait to go back whenever the time is right and safe to do so.