[Esp-Eng] El Guardián// The Guardian
Hello Hive Community, today I want to share with you a story, where love and loyalty prevail, even though we are different.
El Guardián// The Guardian
Aquello que tanto temo cada mes, aquello que es inevitable para mi, cuando la luna esta llena, el simple hecho de convertirme una vez mas en lobo.
En ese animal despiadado, ese asesino que todos en el pueblo odian, formando grupos para cazarlo. Me aborrezco, cada vez que despierto sabiendo que anoche convertido en esa criatura, he asesinado a alguien, saciando mi hambre y mi sed de sangre humana.
I wake up startled, my heart feels like it's going to burst out of me. Drops of sweat run all over my body and the sheets have stuck to my torso, I breathe shakily, realizing that once again it happened to me.
That which I fear so much every month, that which is inevitable for me, when the moon is full, the simple fact of becoming a wolf once again.
In that ruthless animal, that murderer that everyone in town hates, forming groups to hunt it. I loathe myself, every time I wake up knowing that last night turned into that creature, I have murdered someone, satiating my hunger and my thirst for human blood.
Fuente/ Source
En esa época era un lobo joven, de pelaje negro azabache, que apenas estaba descubriendo su naturaleza. Ese asesinato fue sin control, totalmente despiadado, era mi primera vez. Lo recuerdo constantemente, pero matar es algo que no puedo evitar porque el olor dulce de la sangre humana y su sabor son un bocado muy tentador, al que no puedo resistirme.
Prefiero comer fuera de casa, porque no quiero afectar a mi amada Helena, la mujer que ama a este asesino sin saber lo que oculta cada una de esas noches en el mes, donde busca excusas para irse de su lado. Ella inocente.
Last night I was almost caught, I was cornered in a dark barn. When with the reflection of the villagers' torches I could see where I was, I saw that right in that same place I had claimed my first victim. And suddenly I was there, hiding, blood dripping from my fangs.
At that time I was a young wolf, jet black fur, just discovering my nature. That killing was unchecked, totally vicious, it was my first time. I remember it constantly, but killing is something I can't help because the sweet smell of human blood and the taste of it is such a tempting morsel, one I can't resist.
I prefer to eat away from home, because I don't want to affect my beloved Helena, the woman who loves this killer without knowing what he hides every one of those nights in the month, where he looks for excuses to leave her side. She innocent.
!Ahora tu pelaje es gris¡ Haz madurado hijo y es hora de que sepas toda la verdad - eso fue lo que mi padre dijo -
Mi mente pareció flotar sin entender absolutamente nada, ¿Cual verdad? ¿Es que acaso existe mas que esto, de ser un híbrido? o ¿Sera que no es suficiente ser mitad hombre, mitad lobo?
After I made it out of the barn, something unusual happened last night. I was able to meet the herd to which I belong. Yes, I heard howling and I followed them, there when I arrived I could find the great surprise of seeing my father, I understood that this is the product of a great lineage,
!Now your fur is gray! You have matured son and it's time for you to know the whole truth - that's what my father said -.
My mind seemed to float with absolutely no understanding, what truth, is it that there is more than this, to be a hybrid, or is it not enough to be half man, half wolf?
Fuente/ Source
Esa que crees tu simple e inocente esposa no es mas que una princesa vampira a la cual por el pacto ancestral debes proteger.
!Helena¡ y ¿Ella sabe esto?
Corro desesperadamente a casa, a nuestro hogar en medio del bosque, ya entiendo porque siempre ella ha vivido lejos de todo, y como ese día en que yo cazaba inexplicablemente me enamore de ella.
Ella me espera, pero esta vez distinta. Nunca la había visto así, tan bella. Se mostró tal cual es y solo dijo ya lo sabes. Se veía tan hermosa. Comenzó a contar que si bien es cierto la existencia del pacto, ella se enamoro de mi sin saber quien era yo hasta que lo descubrió con mi primera transformación en luna llena, viviendo con ella.
Tu eres mi guardián y mi amado, a nosotros nos une mas que un compromiso, un amor eterno, sin importar quienes ni como somos. Tu papel es cuidarme de la gente del pueblo y otras criaturas que me acechan.
Nadie se acerca a mi porque tu existes y somos poderosos juntos, y ahora lo seremos mas, porque existe una gran realidad, lo que nuestro amor ha creado, el pacto no lo ha considerado.
Estaba confundido, sin saber que hacer. Pero Helena con su voz que me embriaga y me hechiza solo dijo ven aquí y yo me postre tal cual perro a sus pies.
El Guardián y la vampiresa, muy poco se dejan ver pero en noches de luna llena puedes observar una silueta de una mujer montada en una bestia que aulla justo antes del amanecer.
They begin to tell me that more than a wolf I am a guardian, that centuries ago an eternal pact was sealed between wolves and vampires, where each alpha wolf of the pack would marry a vampire princess to protect her from enemies.
That you think your simple and innocent wife is nothing more than a vampire princess which by the ancestral pact you must protect.
Helena! Does she know this?
I desperately run home, to our home in the middle of the forest, I understand why she has always lived far from everything, and how that day when I was hunting I inexplicably fell in love with her.
She is waiting for me, but this time different. I had never seen her like this, so beautiful. She showed herself as she is and just said you know it. She looked so beautiful. She began to tell that while it is true the existence of the pact, she fell in love with me without knowing who I was until she discovered it with my first full moon transformation, living with her.
You are my guardian and my beloved, we are united more than a commitment, an eternal love, no matter who or how we are. Your role is to guard me from the townspeople and other creatures that stalk me.
No one comes near me because you exist and we are powerful together, and now we will be more so, because there is a great reality, what our love has created, the covenant has not considered.
I was confused, not knowing what to do. But Helena with her voice that intoxicates and bewitches me just said come here and I prostrate myself like a dog at her feet.
The Guardian and the vampire, very little is seen but on nights of full moon you can see a silhouette of a woman riding a beast that howls just before dawn.
Espero que te haya gustado este post// I hope you liked this post
El contenido es de mi autoria
El traductor empleado es Deepl.com
The content is authored by me
The translator used is Deepl.com
Wao con ese cuento reposo de ir al cine unos días tremenda película armaste en mi mente te felicito.
espero seguir leyéndote así me cuido del covid sin salir de casa a buscar ver películas que limitan nuestra imaginación.
Hola @ me alegra que te haya gustado la historia, a veces en esta cuarentena lo mejor es hechar a volar la imaginación. Gracias por leerme. Saludos
si vale aveces es mejor mantenerse ocupado, vi que tienes post con materiales reciclables hay un concurso en la taguara revisalo saludos
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