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RE: In Rebellion of AI Generated Art I Will Continue to Create Handmade Zines!

in GEMSlast year

Thank you!!! I really think you should make a zine of your own, about your life, about weaving!! it doesn't have to be a tutorial, it really doesn't have to be any way at all besides how you feel like expressing yourself.

Also I really appreciate what you say about the soul, it is such an important part of art and you are so right, AI doesn't have that and never will. Thank you for these reflections!


I have a project in mind about how to share my work in terms of feelings as you describe through a series of postcards (I am old-fashioned as well:), and now zines come as an interesting addition or combination or a project on its own. Even if I don't do it, just by reading your post I felt so nice and inspired, thanks so much!

It is always about the soul in art, isn't it? The technique yes, the idea yes, so many things matter, but it's the soul of the artist that you will resonate with or not. A form of magic :)

Oh I hope you do!! I think the postcard idea is great because then that gives someone else a challenge to write out a heart felt note by hand!! Maybe you can make some small little zines of thoughts and feelings and leave them around in unique spots during your travels. I feel certain that the lucky readers who find them will be very inspired.

that gives someone else a challenge to write out a heart felt note by hand!!

Exactly! That's why I love postcards so much :)

So many beautiful things to think about! That was a very motivating conversation, much appreciated :)