1.) No one has it all figured out.
2.) Being nice is over rated; be kind, be fair, be understanding.
3.) Good or bad , you can learn from everybody.
4.) Embrace all of your emotions, don’t mask them, don’t ignore them, embrace them.
5.) Unlearning is just as important as learning.
6.) To love is to be vulnerable, let your guard down.
7.) Maturity is accepting you won’t get answers to the things that will hurt the most–heal anyway.
8.) No one prepares you to watch your parents grow old.
9.) Owning up to your mistakes/ do what you say you’d do.
10.) You don’t have to learn everything the hard way.
11.) Never let your inner child die.
12.) One of the most important decisions you’ll make in life is who you have children with, choose wisely.
13.) Be so busy improving your life that you don’t have time to criticise others.
14.) Everyone you love will eventually die, spend your time with your loved ones.
15.) No one is a mind reader, voice how you feel.
16.) Its very okay to spend time alone.
17.) Never feel bad about promoting yourself.
18.) You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.
19.) Compliment the meal when you’re a guest in someone’s house.
20.) Hang out with people from different races, ethnicities and socio-economic classes.
Gosh... You are so 😍...
Nice lessons.. but it would have been great if you dwell on each lessons and relate it to a past experience
Thank you☺️☺️☺️...oh yeah that’s true..I’d take that into consideration next time.❤️
You are welcome dear ❣️