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RE: Life doesn’t stop with a diagnosis - how to accept Chronic Illness

in GEMS • 3 months ago

That is a wonderful post and well written - full of inspiration 🤗

The most interesting thing for me, is most humans don't recognize that "Life is a Terminal Illness"... and it is only until we receive a diagnosis of "Chronic Illness" or "Terminal Illness" that it is thrust into the forefront of out minds.

Confronting mortality, especially when there is pain, fatigue, loss of abilities - can be extremely challenging for many people.

One of the best things I read was "you are not alone" - yet so often we tell ourselves that we are and trap ourselves within the solitary confinement of our minds with the shackles of "why did this happen to me" imprisoning us and the thoughts of "no one will understand what I am going through" silencing us...

When in reality - it is just as you said... many people are going through similar situations and if only we reach out... we could see are not alone... learn new ways to comfort each other and improve out situations... and most all, seeing we aren't the only person dealing with our issue... that should give us hope.

Thank you for sharing!!!!!


Oh wow, thank you so much for this ❤️. You’re absolutely right…I used to feel like nobody would understand what I was going through, so I didn’t tell anyone. But keeping everything to myself just pushed me back into my shell, leaving me depressed and sad.
Eventually, I found support groups with people going through similar situations, and sharing our stories made me so much stronger. Hearing about what others are facing and learning from their experiences gave me the strength I needed. I spent years looking for someone who has both Crohn’s disease and epilepsy, and after five years, I finally found someone. Being able to talk to someone who truly understands what it’s like to navigate these two conditions together has been life-changing. She gave me so many ideas and pieces of advice, and I will always be grateful to her. That’s why I share my stories, and I will continue to do so in the future. I know I still have so much to learn…we all do, especially when it comes to finding peace and balance in life. I’m not completely there yet, but as I said, we are not alone. :)Thank you so much for stopping by ❤️

My pleasure - I appreciate you sharing!

Both of those individually are tough to deal with and together they must be a Tag Team from Hades.

While I didn't deal with the same issues, I found when my life suddenly went in a very different direction finding people to talk with about it was like a life raft.

They offered perspective and it was the first time I realized "Hey wait... others have gone through this... oh no!!! Others might be going through this!!"

So I started sharing my ordeals - and just like you, not only did it help me by releasing it instead of keeping it confined... the more I shared my trials... the more people reached out publicly and privately to say "Oh my God, thank you - I am going through something and your story helped me".

That's what I love about your post - sharing my trials, helped others through theirs and that has helped so much with finding the balance and peace you speak of :)

Have a blessed day!

Apparently, sharing is caring. 😊 And regardless of how long it takes to find this balance, you will definitely find it. It's just hard for me to see people fighting within themselves and not wanting to accept help. Many of them think they can do it on their own, and maybe some can, but sometimes it's just impossible to crawl out of the darkness without the help of others. But all of my friends know that they can always come to me, and I also have friends who will always listen when I'm struggling. And now I've found so many people here on Hive with great advices they share. Have a wonderful day! I hope you're enjoying better weather than we are. 😉