How to keep our computer free of viruses and malware without antivirus.

in GEMS3 years ago


Greetings to all my dear readers and followers of this platform, today I will share with you some tips to keep our computers free of viruses and malware without installing an antivirus, the recommendations that I will be sharing with you are very simple to perform and will allow our computer to maintain a good performance.

For all is well known that Internet access is increasing and this undoubtedly brings with it a number of problems for our computers as there are more and more malicious people who want to steal information from our computers or simply want our computers do not work in the best way and for this they develop malicious files that upload to the network and without realizing it enter our computers just by visiting a website.

To avoid that these malicious files damage the good operation of our computer without having to install an antivirus it is necessary to make a constant revision of the process of the applications that our computer has, this is done from the task manager and to enter there we must press the keys Ctrl + Alt + Delete at the same time several options will appear we select task manager in that instant a window will appear us there we select the process tab and it is in this where we can see the programs that are being executed in real time in our computer.


Once there we locate the program that this causing the problem and we eliminate it, to be able to know which is this program we must look at the resources that this consuming of our computer that normally are higher than that of the other programs. To eliminate them we only must select the program we give right clip with the mouse and we select to open location of the file and we proceed to eliminate it. This process is very simple to perform and there is no risk of damaging our computer.

Also so that our computer is not infected of these virus we must avoid downloading files from places that are not safe, since normally the Hackers use the network of Internet to infect the computer with only to download a document, for that reason we must sail in safe pages Webs. The most important recommendation that I can make to avoid these bad times with viruses is to install Windows 10 as operating system since the new update of this operating system brings with it a high level of security that does not require the installation of antivirus to detect them.

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An excellent publication and very practical to keep the PC in good condition, I put it into practice.greetings @carlir

Thank you very much for sharing your publication