New vePos payment application in Venezuela.

in GEMS2 years ago


Greetings to all my dear readers and followers of this platform this time I come to share with you a payment application that is used by businesses in Venezuela, this is vePos, with this application users can pay with Petros which is the Venezuelan cryptocurrency and can also pay with digital bolivars, this simple application allows users who have petros or digital bolivars in your wallet homeland can make fast and secure payments at any store that has affiliated this application.

At the present time Venezuela is going through a difficult economic situation, as the constant devaluation of the local currency the Bolivar makes people have to look for alternatives so that this currency does not devalue and one of the options that the Venezuelan state offers for this is the purchase of its cryptocurrency called Petro, but there is a small problem and is that even this cryptocurrency does not have the full support of the merchants because they claim that they do not know how to receive payments with this cryptocurrency and it is also little used.

The National Superintendence of Cryptoassets and Related Activities (SUNACRIP) through the Network of Cryptocurrency Enthusiasts (REC) have promoted an application called vePos, with this application anyone can pay in all businesses in digital bolivars and / or petros. The only indispensable requirement to be able to make these payments is to have a balance in any of the aforementioned currencies in the Patria purse, a purse held by almost the entire Venezuelan population, since through this purse the Venezuelan government allocates economic aid to the most vulnerable people.

It is important to mention that this Patria platform has two wallets or purses, one in digital Bolivars and the other in Petros, based on this, the vePos application makes the payment when the user and/or users have a balance in any of the two Patria platform wallets. The payment is very fast and simple, you simply enter the application and choose the currency you want to pay with, then you enter the amount and then you enter the ID number of the person to whom the money will arrive, then you are asked to confirm the payment and for this a security code is requested that will arrive to your mobile device and ready, the payment automatically arrives to the wallet of the person who owns the establishment.

Source @carlirScreenshot taken with my Haweii Y6 phone

Source @carlirScreenshot taken with my Haweii Y6 phone

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