Buen dia amigos de esta gran comunidad de hive, les saluda desde Venezuela @carlosalom42, hoy a finales de este año 2021 quiero compartir con todos ustedes mi testimonio del poder de DIOS en nuestras vida y reconocer su voluntad ante todas las cosas. mi historia comienza en Diciembre del 2019 cuan viaje a mi ciudad de origen Barquisimeto estado Lara a compartir las fiestas de navidad y año nuevo con mi madre y mis hermanos como era ya costumbre.
Good morning friends of this great community of hive, greets you from Venezuela @ carlosalom42, today at the end of this year 2021 I want to share with all of you my testimony of the power of GOD in our lives and recognize his will before all things. My story begins in December 2019 when I travel to my city of origin, Barquisimeto, Lara state to share the Christmas and New Years holidays with my mother and my brothers as was customary.
En Enero del 2020, exactamente el dia 14 me fue imposible levantarme de la cama y pedi ayuda a mi hermana, ella me observo y se dio cuenta que mis piernas estaban hinchadas y mi rostro demasiado palido, llamo a su esposo y a unos primos y me llevaron a un centro de atencion donde me hospitalizaron para realizarme los examenes regulares, a todas esta mi esposa se encontraba en otra ciudad compartiendo con su mama y hermanos. segun los examenes practicado, yo estaba sufriendo de un infeccion general que afectaba los organos vitales como : pulmones, riñones estomago, intestinos y otros. esos dias que son de reunion familiar en esa ciudad , ya que se celebra una de las concentraciones religiosas mas grande, como es la PROCESION DE LA DIVINA PASTORA, era algo dificil cumplir con tratamiento medicos. Mi esposa y todos mi hermanos a los dos dias siguientes ya se encontaban en Barquisimeto para apoyarme en mi enfermedad, en el centro de salud estuve siete (07) dias de los cuales cinco(05) inconsiete y sin ningun tratamiento, por decision de los medicos y mis familiares me trasladan al hospital general de la ciudad para recibir una mejor atencion medica.
In January 2020, exactly on the 14th it was impossible for me to get out of bed and I asked my sister for help, she looked at me and realized that my legs were swollen and my face was too pale, she called her husband and some cousins and asked me. They took me to a care center where they hospitalized me for regular exams. To all of them, my wife was in another city, sharing with her mother and brothers. According to the tests carried out, I was suffering from a general infection that affected vital organs such as: lungs, kidneys, stomach, intestines and others. Those days that are family reunions in that city, since one of the largest religious concentrations is celebrated, such as the PROCESSION OF THE DIVINE SHEPHERD, it was somewhat difficult to comply with medical treatment. My wife and all my brothers and sisters were in Barquisimeto the next two days to support me in my illness, in the health center I was seven (07) days of which five (05) were inconceived and without any treatment, by decision of the Doctors and my relatives transferred me to the general hospital of the city to receive better medical attention.
Mi hospitalizacion duro cuatro (04) meses aproximadamente entre examenes y aplicacion de antibiotico, plasma y tranfusion de sangre, los medicos le comentaban a mis familiares que esperaran el peor desenlace, ya que ello decian entre otras cosas que era cancer y que ya estaba en metatasis, o un coma diabetico entre otro. En mi estadia en el hospital nos visitaban personas a compartir la palabra de DIOS Y a pedir por nuestra salud, yo me encontraba en una sala para seis (06) paciente y familiares de los mismo y todos escuchabamos y leiamos la palabra de DIOS. Amigos en vecinos hacia su parte colocandonos en cadena de oracion todas las noche y los medicos y enfermeras hacian su trabajo si ver resultados favorable a corto plazo, durante eso meses me hinche todo mi cuerpo y alcance a pesar mas de 200Kg por lo cual estaba inmobilizado en la cama y tenia que ayudarme a ser todas mis necesidades.
My hospitalization lasted four (04) months approximately between exams and application of antibiotics, plasma and blood transfusion, the doctors told my relatives that they expected the worst outcome, since they said among other things that it was cancer and that I was already in metastasis, or a diabetic coma among others. During my stay in the hospital, people visited us to share the word of GOD And to ask for our health, I was in a room for six (06) patients and their families and we all listened and read the word of GOD. Friends in neighbors towards their part placing us in a prayer chain every night and the doctors and nurses did their work without seeing favorable results in the short term, during that months I swelled my whole body and reached despite weighing more than 200Kg for which I was immobilized in bed and had to help me be all my needs.
Gracias a la misericordia de Dios y haber aceptado su voluntad, sentir el poder de su palabra, comenzo a verse el cambio en mis examenes y empece a poder movilizar mis extremidades inferiores (piernas), dias despues me pude levantar de la cama y empece poco a poco a recuperar mi vitalidad.
Thanks to the mercy of God and having accepted his will, feeling the power of his word, I began to see the change in my exams and I began to be able to mobilize my lower extremities (legs), days later I was able to get out of bed and started little little by little to regain my vitality.
Le comento que en Diciembre de 2019 yo pesaba 98 Kg y mi estatura es de 1,84, en mayo del 2020 al salir del hospital era de 58 Kg, sali a casa mi hermana a seguir un tratamiento para superar todas las consecuencia de la enfermedad que hasta la fecha no sabemos lo que me ocurrio, lo unico verdadero es que volvi a nacer gracias al poder de la palabra de Dios. Dios me enseño el poder que tiene el amor, la amistad y ver como familiares, amigos y vecinos se unieron para apoyarme y lograr superar esa situacion.
I commented that in December 2019 I weighed 98 Kg and my height is 1.84, in May 2020 when I left the hospital it was 58 Kg, my sister went home to follow a treatment to overcome all the consequences of the disease that To date we do not know what happened to me, the only true thing is that I was born again thanks to the power of the word of God. God taught me the power of love, friendship and seeing how family, friends and neighbors came together to support me and overcome that situation.
Hoy quiero dar testimonio ante todos ustedes del PODER de DIOS en nosotros, que volvi a nacer a mis 58 años. Agradecerle a Dios por esta nueva oportunidad de vida y a mi esposa, familiares. amigos y vecinos por estar conmigo en esta experiencia.Era mi compromiso dar a conocer y compartir mi testimonio
Today I want to give testimony before all of you of the POWER of GOD in us, who was born again at 58 years of age. Thank God for this new opportunity in life and my wife, relatives. friends and neighbors for being with me in this experience It was my commitment to make known and share my testimony
Comparto con ustedes fotos de antes del 2019 con mi esposa y fotos de noviembre del 2021 ya algo recuperado y con la firme voluntad de estar cada dia mejor
I share with you photos from before 2019 with my wife and photos from November 2021 already somewhat recovered and with the firm will to be better every day
La fotos son de mi propia Autoría,tomadas con mi celular modelo Redmi 9A
Me encuentro ubicado en los llanos centrales de Venezuela
the photos are my own authorship, taken with my Redmi 9A model cell phone
I am located in the central plains of Venezuela