in GEMS3 years ago (edited)


La familia de los saurios es variadísima. Desde los grandes saurios que conocemos apenas por sus fósiles y cuyos tamaños nos asombran, hasta estos pequeños que acá en Venezuela solemos llamar "limpia casas" porque habitan en nuestras viviendas y mantienen "a raya" a arañas, chiripas y cucarachas. Este pequeñín, a quien le decimos "el amigo de Lily" decidió salir de su cuevita en la pared un rat y pasearse por el patio de casa. Ni tonta ni perezosa le tomé estas imágenes para compartir con ustedes.

The saurian family is very varied. From the large saurians that we know only because of their fossils and whose sizes amaze us, to these small ones that here in Venezuela we usually call "house cleaners" because they live in our homes and keep spiders, flukes and cockroaches "at bay." This little guy, whom we call "Lily's friend " decided to come out of its little cave in the wall few minutes and stroll around the backyard. Neither silly nor lazy I took these pics to share theme with you.