[ESP-ENG] La aplicación que debes descargar || The application you must download

in GEMS4 years ago

✨Un gran saludo a toda la comunidad de Hive ✨

✨A big hello to the whole Hive community ✨

la aplicacion que debes descargar.png

En esta oportunidad vengo a comentarles acerca de una aplicación para tu móvil que te cambiará la vida, se trata de MXL iptv, esta ofrece los mejores canales de la televisión en vivo completamente gratuitos. Para los que estamos en Venezuela, esta es nuestra salvación sin lugar a dudas.

La consigues en tu PlayStore para android, siendo este el primer paso: Buscarla en la lupita.

In this opportunity I come to tell you about an application for your mobile that will change your life, it is MXL iptv, this offers the best live TV channels completely free. For those of us in Venezuela, this is our salvation without a doubt.

You get it in your PlayStore for android, being this the first step: Search for it in the lupita.


Un vez ubicada seleccionamos la opción de "instalar"

Once located, select the option "install ".


Durará pocos minutos en descargar de acuerdo a tu conexión a intenet. Normalmente esta abre inmediatamente descargada y nos despliega un recueadro donde debemos escribir "mxltv" y luego seleccionamos la opcion de "Guardar Lista M3U"

It will take a few minutes to download depending on your internet connection. Normally it opens immediately after downloading and displays a box where we must type "mxltv " and then select the option "Save M3U List".


Aquí podemos observar parte de los canales que nos ofrece. Lo que se ve en color rojo es la programación.

Here we can see part of the channels offered. What you see in red is the programming.


Una vez seleccionado el de nuestra preferencia nos preguntara cual reproductor deseamos y debemos ubicarnos en la opción de "reproductor interno".

Once we have selected the one we prefer, we will be asked which player we want and we must click on the "internal player" option.


¡Y VOILÁ! se hizo la magia.

And VOILA! the magic was done.


Espero esta aplicación les sea muy util, y les ayude a pasar el tiempo en esta terrible pandemia.
¡Gracias por leerme!

I hope this application will be very useful to you, and help you pass the time in this terrible pandemic.
Thank you for reading me!

Mariana velasquez.png


I'll pass on this. It has been made known that television program literally rot my brain. Especially since all television programs have malevolent agendas. My reason for upvoting is not based on the content itself, If I disagree with the content I'll voice it.

This post was upvoted for the following reasons:

  • I think you and I deserve the rewards.
  • It's under 5htu ($5)

I think everyone deserves at least $1

Thank you for sharing your review.

Thank you very much for appreciating my content. Best regards :D