A new morning of quarantine I wake up to continue surfing on the Hive platform and see what's new and I find something that since the days of Steem I have found frightening to see in my feed post with the mark of $0.00, I feel sometimes that discourages users as well as focuses too much the platform just to get a number ($)
So I started researching to build a solid proposal about why it's better for the community and for the image of the platform to remove those numbers or at least give the user the option to remove them, I got many reasons investigating topics like psychology or human relationships that are great to start at once to become aware and also to start changing the user interfaces for the happiness of the users.
One of the most interesting concepts of all I found is the economic motivation based on the studies of Herzberg and Maslow, which simplifying a little is the motivation that is based on workers earning money to cover their needs and live in a community. Now take into account that most users in Hive/Steem are for the same kind of motivation: money they can earn, influence that allows users to have power.
One of the passages I was reading said this
Some critics may argue that there is no point in investing time, money and energy in motivating junior, or less senior, staff. This would be a serious mistake, and thus lose the advantage that the correct application of this employee orientation policy and motivation tool will represent for your company. The best version of an organization will be one where Human Resources can unfold their full potential, request and propose ideas that make it grow, while increasing their needs for self-realization. With just one idea that we silence, we will be silencing the opportunity to innovate in an increasingly changing and competitive market.
I believe that this simple paragraph can be transposed to the whole ecosystem of both the old Steem and the new airs of HIVE, motivating the user to produce content is CRUCIAL so that the creator can develop his maximum potential in the community and also so that he does not abandon it as a result of lack of motivation, so we must have all the tools available so that our user wants to stay as long as possible on the platform while surfing.
Now tell me
What could be more discouraging to a content creator than seeing other content not rewarded?
The ecosystem is designed in a way that not all posts can be rewarded (in fact most of the posts stay at 0.00) this feature makes the posts that are blank the most abundant and are by default the ones that the user consumes and also the ones that put the nail in the coffin as they pass through the community.
I have suggested many times through the Discord channels to remove this feature at least as a temporary measure in order to make evaluations about whether it is beneficial for the platform or not.
Conditions matter and a lot
For the users this takes a FUNDAMENTAL relevance to stay on the platform, the user interface must be totally according to what the user wants and needs to be comfortable and focus only on the creation of content, when the user is constantly being demotivated it is difficult to produce quality content in a timely manner.
Another big problem of having the $0.00 mark is that it focuses too much on the user and the platform to be a mere resource to make money, I think that if we change a few details to the user interface (starting with the $0.00 mark) we can create a healthier environment for the active users and the ones to come ;D
The truth is that if we want to meet the objectives left in Steem en Hive, we must innovate much more the main platform for users, not just concentrate efforts on forcing change the rules of the Blockchain, we must find people specialized in making user interfaces worthy of the users we want to keep or there will simply be no remarkable progress.
My proposal is simple
I call all Hive Frontends to do the test and remove all marks from 0.00$ to 0.05$ of all user posts, this will be done to later make a survey and determine if how the user feels when not seeing the blank marks, if happier and motivated or worse and more unmotivated.
Then these results will be given to the community and a campaign will be promoted so that the function of hiding the posts with $0.00 becomes effective with the alternative that the user can choose whether to see them or not.
I put my contact for the developers who want to know more about my opinion or who want a more detailed report
my discord is: ceratihive#6317
I think the foundations are solid for at least considering change, but as always, it all depends on the developers and their ability to listen to the community. Everything is in their hands.
Not a bad idea.
Super muy interesant asi debe ser desde la motivacion saludos