Wordle is a fun daily game giving you six chances to guess the word correctly. Follow the link and enjoy the play, it is free:
Monday began with the word "hated". Thought it would be good to try both "a" and "e" vowels. I knew the letter "a" would be first after the first go, so it was a matter of coming up with the possible word, which was very close to the word of the day.

Tuesday began with the "blast". And what do you know, the last two letters were green. Many options at that point, which ultimately led me to use four goes. But happy nevertheless.

Wednesday was an empty start, but it picked up from there. After the word "flock" the brain was foggy, noting was coming about, so wasted another "o". I don't like to use letters which were already used. Feels like a loss. Fifth was the final turn.

I was away and could not play Wordle on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Back to Wordle on Sunday and this time got stuck on coming up with the word with "or", then remembered a used "forgo" the other day. Success!

Let's see what week 18 brings...