friday Friday FRIDAY {gotta get down on friday}

in GEMS5 years ago

Good Morning, Good Evening and Good Night to all of my friendos on ze blockchain. :3
How are all of you today? I hope your weekend is off to a good start.
I have a new demos for all of you. I'm pretty hecking happy with the way it came out.

It can be a little hectic getting every instrument to feel represented, especially when you're dealing with more than a few tracks at once. At certain periods, as many as 12 tracks were going on all at once and...I had to master it a few times. Do you think it's too loud? I think I almost went deaf making it perfect. O___O "Oh, nothing's perfect, Charlie. It's art. As soon as you embrace that, you'll be" Shut the fuck up, dude. THERE IS SUCH A THING AS PERFECTION AND IT WILL BE MINE AHHHHHHHH

I've been doing some listening to songs from various genres, produced by the best record companies in history.. {Prop, an awesome rapper. Marilyn Manson. Nirvana. Jim Croce. Biggie. The Beatles. I went all over the place. } And I noticed, when at 100%, it's way too much for the average listener. So, I've been sort of trying to match that. Which is tough when your budget is several thousand dollars cheaper.

Another disadvantage I experience is I use a kickass audio interface and so, all sound is often amplified and accentuated, more so than say a listener on their phone, with simple earphones. When I listen a day or two later on my phone, I often find it's way too quiet.
An asshole once told me the four steps to mixing and mastering is : headphones, cellphone speaker/earphones, computer speakers, and a car stereo. Sadly I only have the first two x3
I'm doing my best. But as always, your feedback is much appreciated. What do you all think?

I have quite a busy weekend/Monday to look forward to. I have to go to the DMV. For my friendos across the sea, it's the place you go when you need to get Identification/Driving documents. It's terrible, man. There's all these different procedures. You show up several hours early. All of the employees are shitheads. It's like a comic con but no cute people. First world problems riiiiiiiiight boiiiiiiiiiii {SOCIAL COMMENTAR-}

But anyway, I'll try to get started on something by Monday morning, or Tuesday, but it may have to wait for the next week. :x We shall see.

Thank you for listening, as always.
You're all dandy people. And I appreciate you very much. And you have nice hair. Unless you're bald. In which case, your head is mighty and shiny.

See you soon!
~ C.K.M.


Very Pixies vibe going on here mang. I likey.

you did it awesome man, artistic and powerful!