Happy Birthday, Mr. Joey Ramone

in GEMS4 years ago

Well, hello again. :3 Sorry it's been so very long since my last post. It's taken some settling. I'm really digging my new set up. For some of you who may not remember, I've moved to the north east to an undisclosed but lovely location.
I've decided this summer and winter, I want to dedicate to all the dead rockstars on my birthday list. They say it's through covers that we become better as musicians.

And today, we have one of my biggest influences: Joey Ramone. The Ramones was the first band I was introduced to as a young boy. I would say...as young as about eight years old. Beat on the Brat, Teenaged Lobotomy, and I Wanna Be Sedated being some of the first...Pinhead has always been one of my favorites.

The Punk Movement. When did it begin? Some say 1969. Some say 1975. Some say 1977.
Does it matter? Probably not.
But I think it does. This period of time set things in motion that would effect ears everywhere for nearly three generations. The song was recorded 44 years ago. Sir Joey would of been 70 today.
My goodness, what a challenge. My journey into implementing the use of a metronome continues. I don't know how they played as fast as they did. 186 ~ 210 BPM O____O
I'm comfy with 130 ~ 160. I wonder what playing my own songs is going to be like.

Joey and many other honorary Ramones felt that simplicity was key. That a song should not be minutes and minutes long. I suppose I'm guilty of going against that a bit, and it's helped me look at how one writes a unique song.
I really like they implemented classic du op style 50's rocks and just sped it way the fuck up with some tasty distortion. Such a perfect recipe many would shamelessly copy. Including yours truly ^,,,^
Some of us will be lucky to find some way to do it different..is that even possible?

I have a sort of hate for Pop. Modern Pop, anyway. I would like to be a person of my time. It seemed, for a while, I was...and fuck, they don't make it easy to identify with our public figures. Especially in music.
The precise inner workings of the music today itself fucking blows.
But here's the thing:
The Ramones were indeed Pop. O____O
Where did we go wrong? Can someone tell me please?

Beyond what genre they were, they were exceptional performers. My favorites have always been Joey and Dee Dee.
I relate to them a lot more than Johnny, Marky, Tommy or CJ. They're tragic weirdos who died too soon.
Dee Dee is coming up soon. :3
But next we have something a bit different. A blues artist who's name rhymes with' Cow and Swoof. '

As always, thank you for listening. See you in the next one. I have a demo coming out immediately after this, so keep a look out.

Love you all,
~ C.K.M.