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RE: X Gonna Give It To Ya! Brought to You By The Master of Creating Reality, Kill Gates!

in GEMSlast year

I agree with most of your views, Jeff, but this nonsense that viruses don't exist is quite counterproductive because it makes you lose all your credibility and will make you make idiotic predictions about the future. 5G towers are there not to trigger a chain of side effects but to enable them to have a much faster Internet to transfer gigantic amounts of personal data on the block chain coming out of vaccine passports. The vaccinated won't be bleeding as if they had ebola, they will get quite ill this winter from catching a normal cold or covid because their immune system has been destroyed by the vaccine. By the way, If germs don't exist, why do we need to an immune system for? Care to explain? And last but not least, you have created your own bubble around you which won't allow to make accurate predictions. I live in England but I am from Mexico. When my NOT vaccinated mum passed away from covid in the summer of 2022 my sister and me took a flight from England to Mexico and while nobody in England gave a fuck about the virus nor wore a mask everybody in Mexico was wearing masks and neither my sister nor me had any problems leaving and coming back to England without being vaccinated but in Mexico they were refusing to let us get on the plane for not being vaccinated. So, my point is that you Jeff are starting to be out of touch with reality and therefore your theories and predictions will start to suck quite frankly.


Nice post / contribution.

Thank you. :-)

Have you actually looked into whether viruses are real? Germs are entirely different. "Viruses" by their stated nature are not 'alive'. That's mainstream science. (In Latin, 'virus' literally means poison and so by extrapolation you could say that the clot shot jab is itself the TRUE 'virus'!!!) How can something 'not alive' reproduce and spread? It's not possible.

Look into exosomes. That's the "particles" that scientists claim are viruses. Exosomes however are garbage material that are being excreted by the body because the body is detoxifying. A lot of the worlds population naturally detoxify once or twice a year which is the explanation for the recurring "flu season", which itself is complete and utter bull. If nothing else, search up Drs. Andrew Kaufman and Tom Cowan - they do a much better job explaining the science of the myth of viruses. Or for a lay perspective, seek reporter Jon Rappoports' articles (hundreds of them!) on the matter.

No one is claiming 'germs' (e.g. bacteria, amoeba, fungal spore, etc.) don't exist. But these are living organisms. They are proved to exist outside of the realm of electronic computer models.

As for computer models, take a look at Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR. By his own admission and warning, the PCR can find anything that the idiots using it are looking for - meaning the test is pointless, useless and proves nothing! No "Covid" or ANY OTHER VIRUS have ever been ISOLATED and purified and proven to exist outside of computer models!

That's why you can have a gay ass "test", whether by computer or card that can claim you have XYZ -It doesn't mean s*%t. So, sure, people die and have died - but just because some computer model or nose test claims they had such and such, like "covid", doesn't mean jack crap. A person is more likely to die from natural causes, like eating too many pink slime fast food burgers or smoking genetically modified and chemically laced leaves than they are a "virus" which has never been proved to exist...

That said, the shots all contain some form of nanotech. The numerous patents on these shots all explain they are little more than hydrogel carriers for various technology, hence the wide array of things jabbed people are finding in their blood or after they're dead.

As for "ebola", again something that doesn't exist. The vast, meaning 99%, of "ebola" cases are in people living in, around or traveled from chemical toxic waste dumps that are popular in western Africa. If you drink water or breathe air laced with toxins, there is a good chance you might start bleeding to death as your cells burst from them.

The fact of the matter is, chemical and radiological weapons, which the 5G technology was originally intended as, are far more suitable at controlled and mass death. Especially if you add in the jabbed carriers with tech now sloshing around inside them that may be reactive to the widespread use of amplified 5G or other similar radiological platform. It's also noted that the most common side effects of BOTH chemical and radiological attack are loss of sense of taste and smell and hair loss, including but not limited to lethargy and general or severe bodily pain.

I'm just praying that vax shedding isn't real or we're all in for an effed up mess. May Christ Jesus have mercy on us.

The so called "Spanish flu" didn't exist either. At the time, the world was rolling out radio communications for the first time (allegedly the first time) and major vaccination efforts were underway by the United States and shortly after European countries. There was a 'war on' and militaries were being experimented on with new chemical jabs, they were living in unsanitary conditions in close quarters and simultaneously human bodies were being bombarded with new radio waves which I doubt most people were ready for - cell death has and can occur near radiological sources.

By the way, was it the Mexicans not letting you fly out of England or the UK not letting you fly to Mexico or the UK not letting you fly out of Mexico or the Mexicans not letting you out of Mexico?

How can something "not alive" reproduce and spread? Well, viruses have a lipid cover that makes them look like food to cells, roughly speaking, and then when the cell "eats" them, the RNA or DNA inside of the virus goes into the nucleus of the cell and replaces the cell's DNA to hijack the cell and trick it into turning all the nutrients that the cell eats into more viruses. The virus outsource the reproductive function to the cell. Then the cell gets packed inside with viruses and then it blows out due to so many viruses inside and then the process repeats with other cells. That's why your muscles ache when you catch a cold because the virus damages your muscles by destroying cells. The virus will keep doing this until you develop antibodies to neutralise the virus or you die. Viruses are just chains of protein (which is the DNA or RNA) wrapped up in a lipid envelope if you like. They don't eat anything like bacteria do because they have no organs inside. They are just information basically coded into protein on how to hijack cells. Explain to me why viruses can't exist, please. As to my trip to Mexico, no problem getting out of England, no problem arriving in Mexico but we had problems to get on the plane in Mexico because the Aeromexico fucking employee didn't want to let us get on the plane until we told him that we lived in England and that England wasn't requiring anything. Then he backed down. Then we arrived back in England and no problem. People living freely and not wearing masks unlike in Mexico. Totally the opposite to what Jeff says.

Congratulations. You can read the virus brochure. I would simply counter with, because time is too valuable, and since you claim to know more than the scientists and doctors who are telling the truth as to, once again stated: NO VIRUS (not just "Covid") have been shown to exist or do as you say anywhere in any lab on Earth. All ye have are vials of toxic soup.

In EVERY SINGLE LAB TEST where a "virus" is claimed to have been a culprit, the cell cultures have always been in a mucky soup of chemicals and adjuvants that are causing cell death in addition to the fact that the cells themselves are no longer a living tissue. Hence cell death and what looks like replication because the mainstream morons say that the cells must be dying due to the introduction of some other infected "tissue." The fact is, the cells are already dying and are rapidly dying as the chemicals are added to the mix.

And you miss the point on exosomes entirely - they've been proven to be material that encapsulates and carries toxins from the body and are prevalently found in samples of dying tissues.

You are the one who is mistaken.

As for Mexico, it sounds like you've your panties in a bunch over CoViD NAZI's that are every goddam place on Earth, even Mexico. I highly doubt that you went everywhere in Mexico and people all over had masks on. As that goes, do you think Mexico is special in the regard that people didn't hear the memo from the WHO and went around believing in their new religion? I doubt even Berwick would disagree with that - he might make it sound like a utopia, but c'mon, not everything is meant to be taken literally but in essence that the "CoViD" plandemic wasn't nearly as bad or followed there as it was in the disjointed States or Cana-die or Ausjailia.

Not to be rude, pal, but use your brain, how can you attack people with electromagnetic waves that only affect the common people but not the psychopaths in charge? Do you know how electromagnetic waves propagate? Just nonsense.

I'm actually quite into amateur radio and you can have these things called 'beam waveforms' that concentrate electromagnetic radiation. This is the same principle as any "steerable radio antenna." HAARP and similar arrays for instance can be directed accurately to any location on Earth to pinpoint and direct the signal being broadcast. The U.S. Nexrad system is actually capable of creating beam waveforms too and are quite visible on unaltered graphical maps such that you can find online by the College of DuPage.

When I caught covid, and I know I did not because of the PCR but because I was ill as fuck, my cat was coughing as well, and in fact she was attacking very weird before I came down with covid. Did we become "toxic" at the same time just by chance? A virus being passed on from me to the cat or vice versa makes more sense. Kauffman is a scammer.