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RE: How to easily spot hypocrites?

in GEMS5 years ago

Hello! Thank you so much, your words went straight to my heart! You know, I discovered Hive when I was going through a difficult period of my life. I joined in march. And I saw something in the people from here I didn't see anywhere else. A mix of talent, good education, empathy, creativity and need for connection. I felt that while I was dealing with my whole life issues, I could see some genuine support here from some members I will never forget. I am very loyal by nature and I have a strong belief in the power of good character. I value morals and compassion and when a platform with people welcomed me and saw in me what I trully am... I could not help but raise myself to the highest standards and treat kindness with kindness.

For me Hive is not just a platform. For me this place has an emotional attachment for me because I saw support when I needed the most. And I always remember.

I feel we need more communities like this one. In this society it is so easy to get lost, to be loud even when nobody hears you. Every person has something special, unique. All we need is a sparkle of faith, of trust.

I am far from saying my whole life story in here, but I can only say Hive meant a lot for me and I am grateful for it. I smile because I could engage with people here and lead by example. I am so sure this community will grow in beautiful ways. It takes a few stars to shine to let the whole world know there is room on the sky for everyone.