Eight Weeks of Snaps — Some Impressions

in GEMS4 days ago

About eight weeks ago, I first stumbled upon @peakd's recent "short form" utility, SNAPS.

I thought I would give it a try — even though I was never any good at Twitter — in large part because I am a fan of PeakD, and because Snaps is so seamlessly integrated into the PeakD experience.

The cat as art...

So far I like Snaps well enough to still be coming back to it regularly, after six weeks, so that's a definite plus!

The first thing I really like about Snaps is that it works so smoothly within the PeakD interface... it doesn't have the feel of being "an afterthought," nor does it pretend to be "its own thing" that operates separately from the blogging site.

This also makes it quite suitable to promote longer form posts... even if I don't personally create a lot of those.

Another thing I like is that with Snaps you can easily see and follow up not only on your actual Snaps short posts, but also replies you've made to other people's Snaps, along with longer exchanges... which is pretty essential if you're hoping to have any kind of dialogue.

If all else fails, you can always cross reference with your "comments/replies" feed to make sure you caught everything.


Active participation and meaningful contributions are encouraged and incentivized by the rewards of each "container" for Snaps being set with @commentrewarder as a 99% beneficiary, meaning that essentially all rewards are paid out to those who contributed well.

I'm not sure how the exact process works, but I have gathered that what you contribute has to have some merit, or you are not going to participate in the payout pool. In other words, don't expect to get rich from just spamming a bunch of nonsense! Also, do remember that there are typically 600-700 individual "Snaps" in each "container," so the bounty gets divided a lot of ways! And no everyone is rewarded equally, either... the @peak.snaps upvotes individual Snaps with anywhere from a fraction of a percent to about 10% weight.

As an experiment, I am planning to put all this small cash rewards into both my Hive and my HBD savings, just to see what it adds up to.


In general, I tend to use PeakD for 95% of my interaction on Hive, because it is the most user-friendly and intuitive interface... and it tends to offer "one stop shopping" in ways other front ends do not.

And that for for short content, as well, because when you land on the PeakD SNAPS page you immediately have access to all the Hive "short form" interfaces... both individually, as well as grouped together in a single feed.

As far as I am concerned, that's a great piece of usability that brings Hive one step closer to the "average" web user!

As mentioned, I'm not terribly good at "short form" style content, but I will give it a sincere try, trying different things along the way.

Till the next one, thanks for stopping by!


Curator Cat, January 22nd, 2025


Snaps is a nice addition to my workflow on PeakD ... when I need a break from longer post creation, it's there ... when I have photos or art that stand alone it is perfect, and it is also good for post promotion as well -- and OCCASIONALLY, a big piece of Hive info hits Snaps first. Short form is not my first love, but, Snaps makes sense in my bigger picture!

Short form is definitely not my gig, either — I always have failed at twitter/X — but I like @peakd and their projects, so I am going to support it and see how it works out!