Coinsbit Airdrop - Update (2000 CIN tokens worth 200$)

in GEMS4 years ago

This is a follow up article to my last one that covered Coinsbit India's CIN token airdrop worth $200. Let the name not fool you. It is open to all nationalities or atleast that's what they claim.

India moving away from its hostile stance on crypto to actually considering regulating it as an asset class gives immense hope as crypto can drive the Indian economy to new heights and also help the entire ecosystem in general.

Coinsbit India had an extremely successful Round 1 of CIN Airdrop and if you have absolutely no idea what I am talking about, click here to go through my article that covers the launch of Coinsbit Exchange in India. The exchange was short on KYC processing as can be seen through a long list of replies on the twitter handle. Nevertheless, it is nothing short of crazy considering the humongous support they have received.

I have already received my 2000 CIN tokens which for now are safe within my CIN wallet.


Following up on Round 1, they recently announced Round 2 and 3 of CIN airdrop. Coinsbit India claims that the aim of airdrop is to give back to the community and preserve the value of the token (of course besides gaining a huge consumer base).

Round 1 - $200 (start 09.06.21- end 19.06.21)
This round didn’t have an end date but now it does.

Round 2 - $100 (start 20.06.21- end 09.07.21)

Round 3 - $50 (start 10.07.21- end 31.07.21)

In order to participate log onto their portal, register and complete the KYC norms.

WAIT! There’s MORE.

The Airdrops are not the only way to acquire CIN tokens. Users can earn CIN through other means listed below:

By taking part in their referral program.
By staking CIN on the platform


This program is based on a 5-level reward system.

For Round 2 the reward structure is

1 level — $50 (500 CIN tokens) (You invite B)
2 level — $25 (250 CIN tokens) (B invites C)
3 level — $15 (150 CIN tokens) (C invites D)
4 level — $10 (100 CIN tokens)
5 level — $5 (50 CIN tokens)

For Round 3 reward structure is

1 level — $25 (250 CIN tokens)
2 level — $15 (150 CIN tokens)
3 level — $10 (100 CIN tokens)
4 level — $5 (50 CIN tokens)
5 level — $3 (30 CIN tokens)

Coinsbit India will also be offering cash prizes for highest referral bases ranging from $5000 to $300 for the top 5 positions.

In order to maintain the stability of the CIN token, they will be unlocked based on the vesting schedule. This is being done to ensure the token value is preserved and to prevent against unusual price drops.

By the end of Round 2, users will be given the opportunity to buy CIN tokens and start earning on staking pool at 3% monthly rate. Coin holders will get 25% discount on trading fees if they pay in CIN.

Coinsbit India has said they will disclose more information soon. Stay tuned to my channel or you can follow them on their social handles to know more.

If you decide to give it a shot, feel free to use my link to sign up.

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(Please note - This article will also show under my alter ego - Cyekmyster)