hola amigos de hive blog, tengam una linda tarde.hello friends of hive blog, have a nice afternoon.

in GEMS3 years ago

Hola amigos de Hive blog tenga un cordial saludo y una feliz tarde, nuevamente me presento mi nombre es Dayana Riera, se preguntaran porque nuevamente? bueno les informo que hace unos meses deje de conectarme por motivo de que me habian robado el equipo de wifi que tenia y hasta hoy logro tener nuevamente otro equipo de apoyo para poder publicar mis actividades y compartilas con ustedes y espero contar con su apoyo como antes demen un me gusta para saber si estan conmigo si no es mucha molestia y mil gracias por su antencion Dios les bendiga.

Hello friends of Hive blog have a cordial greeting and a happy afternoon, once again I introduce myself my name is Dayana Riera, will you wonder why again? Well I inform you that a few months ago I stopped connecting because they had stolen my Wi-Fi equipment that I had and until today I have again another support team to be able to publish my activities and share them with you and I hope to have your support as before Give me a like to know if you are with me if it is not too much trouble and thank you very much for your attention. God bless you.

Mi hijo y esposo.

My son and husband
