amigos les voy a contar na breve historia que hoy me sucedio /friends I'm going to tell you a short story that happened to me today (ESP-ENG)

in GEMS3 years ago

Buenas tardes queridos amigos de hivers un abrazo para todos , hoy quiero contarles una breve histotia que me sucedió al mediodía , bueno empiezo les cuento que sali temprano al supermercado y cuando ya regresaba estaba pasando por una esquina y veo na caja de cartón y me dije? que estara alli dentro de la caja no me preocupe y obvie la cuestión ,pero cuando me alejaba escucho unos maullidos y me pregunte? esto me me pareces que son unos cachorritos de gatos y sali corriendo y cuando abri la caja mi sorpresa fue que me era tres hermosos gaticos lindos ,tiernos y empezaron a maullar , como diciendome llevanos de aqui , lamentablemente no tenia el telefono conmigo porque lo habia dejado cargando y por supuesto los gatos y perros son mis mascotas favoritas , entonces los agrre con toda caja y me los traje a casa con la idea de que alguien pudiera adoptarlos pero dejarlos alli no lo hubiera hecho ya que tengo uno de mascota en casa pero me dije alguien lo adoptara y me acorde que la vecina tiene su gata y esta parida y como estos cachorritos necesitan aun de la leche dije a lo mejor esta gata pueda ser su madre sustituta.

Good afternoon, dear friends of hivers, a hug for everyone, today I want to tell you a short story that happened to me at noon, well I'll tell you that I left the supermarket early and when I was coming back I was passing by a corner and I saw a cardboard box and I said to myself ? That it will be there inside the box I do not worry and ignore the question, but when I walked away I hear some meows and I asked myself? This seems to me that they are some cat puppies and I ran out and when I opened the box my surprise was that it was three beautiful, cute kittens, tender and they began to meow, as if telling me to take you from here, unfortunately I did not have the phone with me because I had left loading and of course cats and dogs are my favorite pets, so I grabbed them with a whole box and brought them home with the idea that someone could adopt them but leaving them there would not have done it since I have a pet at home but I told myself someone would adopt him and I remembered that the neighbor has her cat and is calving and how these puppies still need milk, I said maybe this cat could be their surrogate mother.


Los gatos son muy cariñosos y tienen un gran carácter, pero también valoramos su independencia, es decir, necesitan menos cuidados que otras mascotas. Los gatos pueden ayudar a las personas a recuperarse más rápido de un trauma emocional, como el fallecimiento de un ser querido en mi casa yo soy feliz con mi gato son animales excepcionales juguetones y aun no entiendo como hay personas que los abandona solo porque sus gatas les paren y lo mas facil es botarlos como que fueran basuras y realmente son seres vivos que tambien que siente el abandono y lo sufren tambien .

Cats are very affectionate and have a great character, but we also value their independence, that is, they need less care than other pets. Cats can help people to recover faster from an emotional trauma, such as the death of a loved one in my house I am happy with my cat they are exceptional playful animals and I still do not understand how there are people who abandon them just because their cats stop them and the easiest thing is to throw them away as if they were garbage and they are really living beings that also feel the abandonment and suffer it too.

ampliada 2.jpg

#Lo mas importante de todo esto fue que lleve a los gatitos a la casa de mi vecina para ver si su gata que estaba paridas los adoptaba y fue increible solo uno ella adopto los otros dos no los quizo fue una experiencia unica ..pero ya los otros dos fueron adoptados por unas personas y eso me alegro a mi y me imagino que ellos tambien.

#The most important of all this was that I took the kittens to my neighbor's house to see if her cat that was born adopted them and it was incredible only one she adopted the other two she did not want them it was a unique experience ... but already the other two were adopted by some people and that made me happy and I imagine they were too.

Aqui less dejo una fotico de la gata que adopto a unos de los cachorritos

Here less I leave a photo of the cat that adopted one of the puppies


amigos de hivers quise compartir esta paqueña historia que hoy me sucedio y quiero decirles con todo esto que si vemos algun animalito por alli abandonado busquemosle un refugio, porque ellos tambien necesita de nuestra ayuda ya que ellos forman gran parte de nuestras vidas, un abrazo y que Dios los bendiga.

friends of hivers I wanted to share this little story that happened to me today and I want to tell you with all this that if we see any animal abandoned there, let's find a refuge for them, because they also need our help since they are a large part of our lives, a hug and God bless you.

Copyright @danyandarcia. All rights reserved.


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