les presento a mi hermosa familia/ I present to you my beautiful family

in GEMS3 years ago

hola a mi comunidad de hive blog hoy quiero presentarles a mi hermosa familia somos de venezuela pais muy hermoso por sus paisajes hermosos , venezuela es un pais de America situado en america del sur constutuido por una parte continental y por un gran numero de islas pequeñas e islotes del mar caribe, cuya capital y mayor aglomeracion urbana es la cuidad de caracas la cuna del libertador Siomon bolivar,, nosotros venimos de un estado Monagas, iguanas ,gatos y perros rodean por todos lados vivimos en una provincia llamada Punta de Mata. bello pueblo gentes hermosas alli nacimos ,crecimos y constituimos nuestas familias mi madre NEIVA ASTUDILLO , es una figura muy importante en nuestras vida gracias a ellas por sus valores somo personas trabajadoras respetuosas , amables dio todo para que hoy en somos buenas personas y de principios les presento a mi madre; mujer guerrera fuerte que supo como criarnos con valentia es mi orgullo te amo madre.


tengo una hermosa y bella hermana la adoro con toda mis fuerza ha sido para mi un ejemplo a seguir yo le digo mi negra hermosa ella tienes dos hermosos hijos su adoracion dos hombresitos ellos viven en la ciudad de caracas pero siempre estamos en contacto nos llamamos a diario nunca perdimos comunicaion siempre estamos alli porque asi debe ser la familia en union en armonia paz son mi ganas de seguir luchando por el bienestar de todos les muestro fotos de mis sobrinos y de mi hermana..

Gracias Mamá, por ser la Madre más valiente y decidida del mundo, invencible ante la vida y luchadora por tus hijos. Gracias por hacernos crecer, por defenderme, por darnostu apoyo siempre y tu amor infinito. ♡ Para el mundo eres una Madre, pero para tu familia tú eres el mundo te amo una fotico con mi madresita .




Hello to my hive blog community, today I want to introduce you to my beautiful family, we are from Venezuela, a very beautiful country for its beautiful landscapes, Venezuela is a country in America located in South America made up of a continental part and a large number of small islands and Islets of the Caribbean Sea, whose capital and largest urban agglomeration is the city of Caracas, the cradle of the liberator Siomon Bolivar, we come from a Monagas state, iguanas, cats and dogs surround us everywhere we live in a province called Punta de Mata. beautiful town beautiful people there we were born, grew up and formed our families my mother NEIVA ASTUDILLO, is a very important figure in our lives thanks to them for their values ​​we are respectful, kind working people she gave everything so that today we are good people and of principles I present my mother; strong warrior woman who knew how to raise us with courage is my pride I love you mother.
I have a beautiful and beautiful sister I adore her with all my strength she has been for me an example to follow I tell her my beautiful black woman she has two beautiful children her adoration two little men they live in the city of Caracas but we are always in contact we call Every day we never lost communication, we are always there because that is how the family should be in union in harmony, peace. My desire to continue fighting for the well-being of all. I show you photos of my nephews and my sister.
Thank you, Mom, for being the bravest and most determined Mother in the world, invincible in the face of life and a fighter for your children. Thank you for making us grow, for defending me, for always giving us your support and your infinite love. ♡ For the world you are a Mother, but for your family you are the world I love you a photo with my little mother.




Despedida en español.


Despedida en ingles.
I am new to this, that is, I want to continue learning more about this community every day and today I wanted to introduce you to parts of my family, despite telling you that the family should take care of them, love them since we all know that it is the fundamental stage of society, love your mothers, parents, brothers is what God commands honor that values ​​prevail respect I want you receive from me a big hug


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