Introducing the DappRadar Portfolio Tracker

in GEMS4 years ago

The world of blockchains and dapps is complicated enough, which is why DappRadar has launched its Portfolio Tracker.

Supporting all Ethereum-based dapps and ERC20 tokens, it gives you a simple way to see what tokens and NFTs you have in your wallet, as well as providing a valuation.


Free access

All you need to do is input your wallet’s address and it will display and value all your tokens in one section and all your NFTs in another. The token value is based on the current trading price, while the NFT value is calculated in terms of past trading.

The tracker also provides information about the dapps you’ve interacted with and how much gas you’ve spent.

In this way, we hope the Portfolio Tracker will provide actionable insights into your activities on Ethereum.


  • ERC-20 tokens
  • NFT portfolio
  • Dapp activity
  • Multiple wallet addresses.

Access the Portfolio Tracker now

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