My Philosophy For A Happy Life

in GEMS3 years ago

Well, I'd rather peacefully live and die as a commoner than being a superhero to the world. The only thing I'd like to do is get the stuff around me in order... No more.
Most would relate it with depression but believe me I'm not in a dark place. The fact remains that even if I solve infinite problems out of the infinite one's present, there will still be infinite miseries left behind.

After all, some infinities are greater than other infinities, and we're all going to fail anyway. So I'll rather die a blissful failure than keep chasing success. All we need to understand is that we're all destined to fail until we understand that success is not objective but rather subjective.

A society doesn't need to define success for me. I'll create one for myself.

If we carefully analyze this, we will find out that we all are living in our own parallel universes most of which overlap with each other at some places. But still my universe is my universe.

Hence, I decide the rules with the only universal one, just because you only decide rules for your own universe, not for others. This is why the rules of my universe state that every participant is a winner and so;.

Everyday I wake up, I win.
Every day, I do an activity, I win.
Every day, I go to sleep, I win.

So yeah, I'm a pretty much a success or a hotshot (as they call it) till now.
The day we'll understand the fact that the rules we create should only apply on our part of the universe, that's the day we'll get rid of all the miseries.

The only problem today is that people have forgotten their boundaries. The rules which were supposed to stay in our own boundaries are being imposed over others too by the stronger ones.

And when the original owner of that universe tries reinforcing his rules, the mightier one tries to suppress him and that's what leads to violence, miseries and unhappiness.
Create your own rules and let your rules stay in your boundaries. Never impose them on others. This is my philosophy for a happy life.

Thanks for reading.


Everyone one is a winner in their own right. If we tell ourselves we are a loser, we will be. Winners don’t necessarily have the biggest house or the biggest family.

Like you said, if you keep chasing after what the world calls success, you will never be happy.


Found you on @dreemport

I like this. When every one of us defines our success and what it means to us, we will start winning. Success is unique and not a societal standard for us to reach. No one fails we are just processes in time. Well done.

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Live and let live is a good philosophy but I like to go a step forward and spread kindness, happiness and caring whenever the occasion needs it. To me, we live in a very social world and I believe that each person we meet imparts learnings as we do for them etc. But that does not mean that we are not discerning as well. Regards and have a lovely day.

That winner's mindset will never fail you on your journey through life.
I believe real achievement is KNOWING you can do it rather than waiting for others to tell you whether you would succeed 👍 do you always and stay winning, read through #dreemport

Well, like it or not, we would still need to participate in societal rules and your universe would still be shared with others and affected.

That is a great philosophy and one that can lead to a happy and contented life

Original thinking,I like it.Man is born alone on this earth,and leaves it matter who has kept him company in life.

Success is entirely objective. Failing to define ours would open the door for the society to oppress and suppress us with their definition.

A nice little motivation or more like realization of few things we need to understand in our lives to make it better 🙂

What a philosophy, I will like to add this to mine... It's beautiful.
Being happy in your own way and not wanting to be a hero after death 😏

Well written, @dreemport brought me here

We would likely get along. Respect for yourself and respect for others. Make your own rules but don’t expect others to follow them. I think they should teach this in school

Glad @merit.ahama tagged you, and impressed at the company she keeps!