This singing thing for you relieves my soul, and more controversial songs friends of #hive and this particular theme I love, again from Ricardo Arjona a critique that can adapt to the current context with all this pandemic and as the world moves today, humanity and what they try to prevail, I hope to your liking, a hug for you.
Del Otro Lado del Sol
Ricardo Arjona
Vine desde mi galaxia a investigar este mundo
Lo encontre detras de una esquina y me basto un segundo
Para saber que aqui flotan de la mano lo trivial y lo profundo
Why en el circulo vicioso del hombre y sus hazañas
Descubri cosas de buena apariencia pero sin entrañas
El hambre y el caviar bajo sus pestañas
y mujeres que perfuman su indecencia con Channel
y disfrazan de Oscar de la Renta un cuerpo infiel
Descubri que aqui el amor es una hipotesis inconclusa
Se que tienen una vaga idea pero sigue difusa
No se como le hacen los poetas para encontrar sus musas
Aqui el hombre es el que tiene mujeres y vida de tormenta
Sin saber que hombre es el que tiene una y la mantiene contenta
Del otro lado del sol hay un mundo en decadencia
No es casualidad que tierra rime con guerra
Del otro lado del sol hay un mundo en decadencia
No es casualidad que humano rime con tirano
Es increible pero aqui nadie se tiende la mano
En mi galaxia la especie se extingue y es inevitable
Abunda el amor pero no hay sol ni agua potable
Mientras ustedes siguen discutiendo el asunto del desarme
A veces Dios le da pan precisamente al que no tiene dientes
Para que su peor castigo sea el dia que te arrepientes
Del otro lado del sol hay un mundo en decadencia
No es casualidad que tierra rime con guerra
Del otro lado del sol hay un mundo en decadencia
No es casualidad que humano rime con tirano
He venido navegando más de cien años luz
y encontrarme con estos es más triste que un blues
Sera mejor ir preparando mi maleta
Pues prefiero morir de sed en mi planeta
A ser un personaje mas de esta triste historieta
On the other side of the sun
Ricardo Arjona
I came from my galaxy to investigate this world
I found it behind a corner and I'm just a second behind.
To know that the trivial and the deep float out of hand here
Why in man's vicious circle and his exploits
I discovered things that look good but without entrails
Hunger and caviar under your eyelashes
and women who perfume their indecency with Channel
and disguise an unfaithful body as Oscar de la Renta
I discovered that here love is an unfinished hypothesis
I know you have a vague idea, but it's still fuzzy.
I don't know how poets do to find their muses
Here the man is the one who has women and storm life
Not knowing which man has one and keeps her happy
On the other side of the sun there is a world in decline
It's no coincidence that land rhymes with war
On the other side of the sun there is a world in decline
It's no coincidence that human rhymes with tyrant
It's amazing but nobody reaches out here.
In my galaxy the species is extinct and it is inevitable
Love abounds but there is no sun or drinking water
As you continue to discuss the issue of disarmament
Sometimes God gives bread precisely to the one who has no teeth
To make his worst punishment the day you repent
On the other side of the sun there is a world in decline
It's no coincidence that land rhymes with war
On the other side of the sun there is a world in decline
I've been sailing for over a hundred light years
and meeting these is sadder than a blues
It will be better to prepare my suitcase
Well, I'd rather die of thirst on my planet.
To be one more character of this sad comic book.
Hermoso tema hijo, felicidades!