My #HiveTestimony , Initiative by @theycallmedan

in GEMS4 years ago


Happy evening, friends of Hive ... Today I join the @theycallmedan initiative and give my testimony.

Feliz noche amigos de Hive... Hoy me uno a la iniciativa de @theycallmedan y doy mi testimonio.


My Experience/Mi experiencia

For me it is always wonderful to tell how I got here ... It will almost be 3 years of this wonderful trip. One afternoon a good friend came to my house and told me about this platform and told me: Denisse I'm not sure but nothing is lost by trying and the extra money is never too much. I arrived here without any previous experience and without knowing what to do ... But little by little I was taking tips and advice and I was making good posts. I have so much to be thankful for and say that my life changed in a radical way by being here.

Para mi siempre es maravilloso contar como llegue aquí... Ya casi serán 3 años de este viaje tan maravilloso. Una tarde llego un buen amigo a mi casa y me comento de esta plataforma y me dice: Denisse no estoy seguro pero nada se pierde con intentar y el dinero extra nunca esta demás. Llegue aquí sin ninguna experiencia anterior y sin saber que hacer... Pero poco a poco fui tomando tips y consejos y fui haciendo buenos post. Es tanto lo que tengo que agradecer y decir que mi vida cambio de una manera radical al estar aquí.

If I must admit that my life is a before and after being here. When I started here I was able to change many things, I was able to buy a cell phone, a bigger kitchen to bake more cakes and I was able to pay for my chef studies, tell me in which other platform you can achieve so many things.

Si debo admitir que mi vida es un antes y un despues de estar aquí. Cuando comencé aquí pude cambiar muchas cosas, pude comprar un celular, una cocina mas grande para hornear mas pasteles y pude pagar mis estudios de chef diganme ustedes en que otra plataforma puedes lograr tantas cosas



What do I like about hive?/ Que me gusta de Hive?

What I like the most about Hive is that we are a great and wonderful family that is all over the world. Sometimes I talk about this platform and people see me as if I were crazy ... Then they enter and believe that everything will be overnight and I do not think that here you can see the effort of each one of us ... I remember that before I did not want to go anywhere to be on the platform commenting and making myself known and I think it has worked. At Hive they are wonderful! Support is incrediincreible.

Lo que mas me gusta de Hive es que en si somos una gran y maravillosa familia que esta por todo el mundo. A veces hablo sobre esta plataforma y las personas me ven como si yo estuviera loca... Entonces ingresan y creen que todo será de la noche a la mañana y no yo creo que aquí se ve el esfuerzo de cada uno de nosotros... Yo recuerdo que antes no quería salir a ninguna parte para estar en la plataforma comentando y dandome a conocer y creo que ha funcionado. En Hive son maravillosos! El apoyo es algo increible.


Here at Hive everyone finds their place. There are many communities! My favorites are #alwaysaflower #Feelgood #shadowhunter #foodiesbeehive #gems #powerhousecreatives

Aquí en Hive cada quien encuentra su lugar. Hay muchas comunidades! Mis favoritas son #alwaysaflower #Feelgood #shadowhunter #foodiesbeehive #gems #powerhousecreatives

I love spending hours in Hive watching some posts, reading and especially traveling without having to leave my house. For me, Hive is my job, I live in Venezuela and being in Hive helps me generate some money for household expenses.

Amo pasar horas en Hive viendo algunos post leyendo y sobre todo viajando sin tener que salir de mi casa. Para mi Hive es mi trabajo yo vivo en Venezuela y estar en Hive me ayuda a generar algo de dinero para los gastos del hogar


Thank you for sharing your journey, as a new member of the Hive community it's really inspiring to read about how Hive has had such a positive impact on your life.

It is a pleasure that my trip here inspires you! Welcome to Hive

Tu eres el mejor ejemplo de que podemos lograr lo que nos propongamos. Que viva #Hive

We have come a long way together! Great post, my friend! ❤️

Thanks a lot dear. We have taken a good path together and I really appreciate all your support along this way... You always inspire me to be better💕

I think we inspire each other! And I believe we will never regret one moment that we have spent here on Hive!

So is. I appreciate being here every day! The truth is that I don't know what my life would be like without this platform... Every penny I make here counts and helps a lot in my home

If things continue the way they are going here, I won't be far behind you. Many products are hard to find and everything gets more expensive everyday.

Hope things get better soon.

Yes! For all of us!