Un poco de mi. - A little of me.

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)

Un cordial saludo! A la comunidad en general, mi nombre es Carolina tengo 26 años. Nací en una pequeña cuidad de la zona oriental de Venezuela llamada "Cumaná" ubicada en el Estado Sucre.

A cordial greeting! To the community in general, my name is Carolina, I am 26 years old. I was born in a small city in the eastern part of Venezuela called "Cumaná" located in Sucre State.


Partí de casa siendo muy joven, en busca de independencia la cual me abrieron las puertas a numerosas aventuras viajando y conociendo varias regiones de mi país como : Trujillo, Barquisimeto, Guárico, Monagas, Anzoátegui, Nueva Esparta, entre otras. Siempre me he considerado una persona nómada, viajar es lo mio y es una de mis pasiones.

I left home when I was very young, in search of independence which opened the doors to numerous adventures while traveling and getting to know various regions of my country such as: Trujillo, Barquisimeto, Guárico, Monagas, Anzoátegui, Nueva Esparta, among others. I have always considered myself a nomadic person, traveling is my thing and is one of my passions.


Hace 6 meses tome la dura decisión de emigrar de mi país por sus conflictos políticos y económicos, así comenzó mi nueva aventura lejos de mi país, familia y amigos. Actualmente vivo en la hermosa cuidad de Medellín, donde su rico clima y calidez de su gente me atraparon y me han hecho encontrar mi lugar en esta enorme cuidad a la cual ahora llamo "Mi hogar".

6 months ago, I made the hard decision to emigrate from my country due to its political and economic conflicts. This is how my new adventure began, far from my country, family and friends. Currently I live in the beautiful city of Medellín, where its rich climate and warmth of its people caught me and have made me find my place in this huge city that I now call "My home".


Soy administradora industrial aunque por giros del destino me ha tocado aprender de todo un poco y me convertí en una persona multifuncional, he realizado numerosas laborales las cuales se han convertido en mis hobbies: la fotografía, la música, la cocina y el barismo han sido mi complemento personal.

I am an industrial administrator, although due to the twists and turns of destiny, I have had to learn a bit of everything and became a multifunctional person, I have done numerous jobs which have become my hobbies: photography, music, cooking and barista have been my personal complement.




Me encanta aprender todos los días algo nuevo, suelo leer, escribir, cantar en mis ratos libres. Me considero una persona muy sociable y carismática siempre tratando de hacer reír a quienes me rodean. Me identificó mucho con una frase, la cual siempre tengo presente y dice, "Nunca dejes que tus miedos, ocupen el lugar de tus sueños".

I love learning something new every day, I usually read, write, sing in my spare time. I consider myself a very sociable and charismatic person always trying to make those around me laugh. He identified me a lot with a phrase, which I always keep in mind and says, "Never let your fears take the place of your dreams."


Cuya frase, formo parte de mi, en momentos muy difíciles, y ahora más, ya que todo el mundo atraviesa por una etapa de desacierto, espero que esta frase pueda reconfortarlos y les de ánimos de seguir adelante.

Quiero agradecer por aceptarme en esta gran comunidad, espero que puedan disfrutar de los temas que compartire y puedan conocerme mejor, aprender un poco de mi, como yo de ustedes.

Whose phrase, I am part of myself, in very difficult moments, and now more, since everyone is going through a stage of misjudgment, I hope that this phrase can comfort them and encourage them to move on.

I want to thank you for accepting me in this great community, I hope that you can enjoy the topics that I will share and that you can get to know me better, learn a little about me, as I do from you.

A warm hug and my best wishes from me @Diosaerys, to the community too / @bluemist and @appreciator , see you soon!

Un caluroso abrazo y mis mas gratos deseos, de mi parte @Diosaerys, a la comunidad #GEMS tambien, Nos vemos pronto!


Hello and welcome. Glad to see you managed to get yourself signed up and create this intro post. If you have friends/family you'd like to invite to join, direct them to the first video lesson in the HIVE tutorial. It may also be helpful to you, as you fill in gaps in your knowledge and learn new things. There will be 4 lessons in total that should make it easier for folks to get started who are new to blogging/social media on a blockchain. I hope you have a great experience here!

I will take this into account, a thousand and one thanks, my best wishes.

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Welcome diosaerys!
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I like to sing, dance, write, draw, etc. You are talented.