Día 21: Placer que te hace sentir culpable
Day 21: Pleasure that makes you feel guilty

This one is a bit obvious because I have a love for the world of cocktails, the simple act of trying a new distiller or liquor makes my world explode with joy. It's always like this, at first I feel great but then I feel guilty for enjoying alcohol. I think that's in my blood, my family on both sides are families that really enjoy drinking beer but they do it to a level that's scary, they drink without stopping, they don't know limits, the good thing is that they don't do it every day, I also have an uncle who drinks very often and that affects his judgment a lot, he does and says things he shouldn't when he's drunk. For that reason it scares me, it scares me to enjoy alcohol and I think It's something I could have inherited from my family, it's like a curse but I try to set my limits, I know very well where I don't want to go.