❤Hola Amigos ❤

Hello Hive Family God Bless you all I hope you are having a nice day, I am pleased to greet you once again, for me it is a real pleasure to share with you all what was these three days of Blessing that I lived in the congregation that I attend Centro Cristiano Maturin, we were partying in a powerful Congress just for girls, of course there were some boys present but we could not let them miss that blessing of hearing the word of God for their lives.

This was our 8th Ladies Congress was titled: It's about Jesus, where Jesus Christ and us Conqueror Women were the protagonists, very special days where we could see the glory and favor of God in our lives, Let's begin.
❤Limpieza, Decoración, Ensayos❤

We started at 5am with the cleaning, decoration and rehearsals for this important day, we began to beautify even more the house of the Lord, it was quite a lot of work but it was worth all the effort, we rehearsed with the Tsidkenú Music department to which I belong, I am one of the directors of the Worship department of the church, We were rehearsing many hours to do things with excellence for God first of all, the effort, exhaustion were worth it because the results were sensational, the temple was very well decorated thanks to all those women conquerors who put their hands and time available. We finished and an hour later the first day began.
1er Dia de Congreso

This day I had the great privilege of opening our Ladies Congress with a powerful word where I spoke about the qualities and virtues of a virtuous woman, a conquering woman, the key is the fear and love of God.
I was also able to lead the Praise and Worship of the congress, remembering that it was first for God, a wonderful moment where God was able to touch the hearts of many people through worship, all the effort is worth it when it is about Jesus. There were many specials, music and word of God. Everything went excellent.
2 Dia de Congreso

For this second day many new people arrived, I had the privilege to sing again for God in the worship group Tsidkenu, this day we saw an extraordinary weight of glory fall on the entire congregation, women who were reconciled first with God and with their children, husbands, family. Women determined to move forward hand in hand with God, strengthened women who made the decision to stand up and say I believe in me and I know I am capable of doing great things. We had a powerful word from God led by Pastor Mayerlin Morillo from Cumana, where she spoke to us about not letting ourselves be robbed of the blessing that God gives us, everything that was taken from us unjustly the Lord will take care of returning to our lives.
3er Dia de Congreso

It was an even more emotional day, we learned about the value of us women, we are capable of doing extraordinary things that we do not even know about, we have beautiful gifts, everything that falls into our hands if it is directed by God will prosper, for God we are more valuable than gold, silver, rubies, we have an incalculable beauty, we deserve the best because we were created for great things, I sang, clapped, danced, jumped, laughed, cried and let go and the most important thing was that I was filled even more with his love.
❤ My Family❤

My beautiful Family and I serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the best father that can exist, the giver of life, I and my house will serve the Lord of hosts.

They are also a very important part of my life, they are my family. Tsidkenú Music Department.
Fin de nuestro 8vo Congreso de Damas

We finished the congress and all the Pastors met, we had a nice sharing where we enjoyed a delicious soup, we celebrated in the name of Jesus that everything went better than expected, God supported us and helped us at all times, everything went excellent.
Gracias por tu atención

All photos are my own, edited in PhotoScape, translator used: DeepL.