When someone is discussing the effect movies or television have on the public, you can bet it will not be lead with how brilliant it is. It will be the violent actions of the characters or sex or something else that was dished out, something over-the-top excessive.
Oh, for the happy ending, no? Disney style. Cinderella meets the prince, they get married, and yes- they live happily after. It’s Disney. I expect it, as most of us do. So many of us hang on to that belief - if we get the husband/wife, promotion, win the lottery, the client at work, all of life’s problems will be solved. Ironically, happily ever after and life just doesn't work like that. It takes a lot of work, much like a garden. You need to water a little for growth. You need to nurture a lot... You need to prune or pinch back to give new life. Some will need nurturing for life, others you let go as the seasons change. Never fear though. If you outright kill your garden, you can always start again, and sometimes, even again.
After all, an ending is simply a new beginning, isn't it?
Prince Charming won, not with grand gestures or some fancy title, but by the basic love and generosity of his character. Sometimes, it is the simple things in life.
All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.
It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.

The Naming of Cats
The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter,
It isn’t just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I’m as mad as a hatter
When I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES.
TS Elliot
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I totally agree with you on this one. In the real world where I live, it sure aint always rainbows and unicorns. I wish it was. Kind of reminds me how Alan sang in a tune called Here In The Real World. Sadly life isnt just like in the movies...
BTW doesnt Alan look so young! Funny how time just slips away.
I voted this and forgot to hit reply! Pfft! Wouldn't life be boring if it were all rainbows and unicorns? How much more interesting with these wrenches thrown in.
You are getting your Camelot and all will be well with the world. Gosh, he does look young! Where has the time gone?
Yeah, you are quite right about our life- it's not a Disney film or something else that allows to keep happy ending. Life is alwalys like wave of water where ups and down, flashing, bump with bank of river or beach, tolerance of all emotions, endure with your patience and finally it handed over to someone to end or continue. Despite of that, life is always beautiful, live within the entire circumstances, happy with your limitations and not to expect the high to acheive. One more thing is right that one's end means another beginning!
Thank you! I always believe that one end is a beginning for another. It makes sense to me, although some people disagree.
Life is always beautiful, even when it is not perfect. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. Have a great evening!
Have a great day too, you.
Firstly beautiful photos as always
Funny thing is I am sitting on my bed in the dark writing this as Lulu is still asleep as are the grandkids upstairs so I am not doing my regular normal routine trying to be quiet and let them all sleep otherwise I would probably rave on in agreement with what your saying
Your spot on life and love take work nothing comes as easy as in a fairytale
Showing my age but will add it seems to me the younger generation or some of them have a sense on entitlement about many things including love and life and feel everything should fall into place or handed to them on a silver platter with no effort on their part
Great post
I have to agree with you on that one, many, but, not all. The sense of entitlement just blows me away. Perhaps because I had to work so hard to get where I am in life? Not sure, but, nobody handed it to me and I expected to work long, hard hours. It seems that they graduate and many of them would be disappointed if they were started at the bottom, clearly not understand learning the company from the bottom up. The best way, of course. Not with digital, but, you know what I mean. Everyone wants to start at the top.
:) Haha! It was hot out this morning and I was out at 5 am... but, not as hot as it is now!
Yeah I have seen so many people like that who look at disdain at any job they consider menial
Like you I worked my way up from the bottom and see that as the way it should be
And dang yes it is so hot out today I considered going for a walk but after going into the yard fir a few minutes I said maybe this evening lol
Oh, yeah!!! 94 and hot today!
I had my kids volunteer when they were too young to work and of course, they have them do the jobs nobody else wants to do. But, that was okay and they did it and never complained and all of those people sent them shining recommendations for schools, jobs, and positions they wanted.
No good deed goes unrewarded. Some day. Some way.
I think your brought up your kids the right way and as you say it helped in the long run Sadly I think thats the exception these days
Took off those fairytale filters some time back
Life knocked it off, actually haha
But life is still good, just bummed out there are no elves that can do my housework while I sleep!
Oh, yeah! A reality check!
But, life is good! I can loan you my elf, but I need it back! 💖
Hmmm... Prince Charming... prince of charm...
Beautiful flowers! What camera do you use?
I took photos flowers for my #alwaysaflower post today, and I wanted to have that effect... unfortunately I failed!
Yes, Ma'am! I am just getting round to gathering the # alwaysaflower up, actually, I had already before I got here, and so you know, I appreciate your support and I fall down some days getting on here for more than a few minutes, real life has been kicking butt. Plus, I am slower than most bloggers and posters.
Thank you so much and I was goofing around trying for a dreamy look, but, in hindsight, they look a little blurry probably. The camera is a Canon and there were three different ones used. I will bet you cannot tell which was the better camera. Actually, these are not good examples, but, sometimes I have to look.
One was a Rebel, and the other two are the next step up.
Thanks for stopping by and your flowers are always awesome!
My Prince Charming proposed to me in a Superman suit 25 years ago. Yes, there has been a lot of work along the way, and no we haven't won the lottery... yet. But at some point you look at the person in your life and think: I'm so damned lucky to have YOU. Just like you are, with all of your ridiculous foibles. What...?? I have ridiculous foibles too? Oh pshah!
Hugs, @dswigle!
Oh, you have your own kryptonite! It is always a lot of work! Anything worth it is. That warm feeling of being grateful compares to none, knowing that despite anything/everything, they still do it for you.
What? I have ridiculous foibles??? Who told you!
Hugs to you @jayna !! Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a laugh! Life is good.
Yes. Even for life itself. Death does not exists. Our physical human bodies die, but that is not us. We existed before we were born on Earth, and we will continue to exists after our physical human bodies die. Death is not the end. It is a transition. Just like being born is not the start. It is also a transition. Time does not really exists. Time is an illusion. There is no past and no future. Only the present, and it is eternal. There is no end.
If anyone is interested in this topic, you may look for the Near-Death Experience (NDE) term.
Thanks for your words. Interesting.
Thank you for the repost @pixresteemer! Much appreciated!
Have an amazing day!