Game Of Bets-OpenSea Collection

in GEMS3 years ago
My first NFT collectionMoja prva NFT kolekcija
To be honest, I've been thinking about this for a long time...Da budem iskren, dugo sam razmišljao o ovom...
I’ve seen a lot of things being sold for big money these days, especially “artworks” that reach a selling price in the millions of dollars.Viđao sam da se svašta u današnje vrijeme prodaje za velike novce, posebno "umjetnički" radovi koji dostižu prodajnu cijenu u milionima.
Many of you are familiar with the NFT collections of monkeys that are worth a real fortune in this market. Among other things, there are some photos that are worth a lot, even selfies find their customers...Mnogima od vas su poznate NFT kolekcije majmuna koje vrijede pravo bogatstvo na ovom tržištu. Između ostalog, nađu se i neke fotografije koje vrijede mnogo, čak i selfiji nađu svoje kupce...
Therefore, I also decided to publish my NFT collection.Prema tome, i ja sam odlučio da objavim svoju NFT kolekciju.
I never thought I would do that but here it is... I will probably never sell any "art" but I hope to see comments, criticism, and praises.Nikad nisam mislio da ću to učiniti ali eto... Vjerovatno nikada neću prodati ni jednu "umjetnost" ali se nadam da ću vidjeti komentare, kritike, i pohvale.
Game Of Bets CollectionGame Of Bets kolekcija
I present to you my Game Of Bets Collection at: vam svoju Game Of Bets kolekciju na:
This is a collection of my bets that I have saved and that mean something to me.Ovo je kolekcija mojih opklada koje sam sačuvao i koje mi nešto znače.
You can see some examples below:Nekoliko primjera možete da vidite ispod:
I would love to hear your opinions on this "art".Volio bih da čujem vaša mišljenja o ovoj "umjetnosti".

Dear @dzoji, we need your help!

The Hivebuzz proposal already got an important support from the community. However, it lost its funding few days ago and only needs a few more HP to get funded again.

May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work this year?
You can do it on Peakd, ecency, /
or using HiveSigner.

Your support would be really helpful and you could make the difference! Thank you!

This is goood!

This is a joke...
But if I manage to sell just one ticket then it will turn into nonsense. 😂

Hey @aurealone, here is a little bit of BEER from @dzoji for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.