[ ESP/ENG ] Plantas de chimbombo de mi suegro./ Chimbombo plants from my father-in-law.

in GEMS14 days ago
Hoy les muestro mediante estás fotos el momento en que fui a cosechar chimbombo en las plantas que tiene mi suegro en su parcela. Están plantas antes que compensarán las lluvias se mantenían vivas gracias a un sistema de riego por goteo que le regalé y el así pudo administrar la poca agua que el saca de un aljibe para regar sus plantas que tiene en su parcela.

Today I show you through these photos the moment when I went to harvest chimbombo from the plants that my father-in-law has on his plot. These plants that will compensate for the rains were kept alive thanks to a drip irrigation system that I gave him and so he was able to manage the little water that he takes from a cistern to water his plants that he has on his plot.

###Estas fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular Infinix HOT 50.

###These photos were taken with my Infinix HOT 50 cell phone.