Hoy les muestro mediante estás fotos el momento en que me encontraba Sembrando unos hijos de cambur y plátano topocho en el pequeño terreno que tengo al lado de mi casa y utilice cal para hecharle al hueco donde los sembré y así desinfectar la tierra.
Today I show you through these photos the moment when I was planting some banana and plantain shoots in the small plot of land I have next to my house and I used lime to pour into the hole where I planted them and thus disinfect the soil.
###Estas fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular Infinix HOT 50.
###These photos were taken with my Infinix HOT 50 cell phone.
My soil always loses PH level, specially indoor ones. Hard water is the culprit. Lovely moment of planting, the use of lime to disinfect the soil is a great tip for a healthy start. Do coffee grounds help?