Oh, Russia is a chamomile field...

in GEMS5 years ago

Looking at the photos that my granddaughter sent me , I wanted to paraphrase Yesenin's line: "Oh, Russia is a chamomile field."..

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And did you know that "this flower owes its name to the word "romana", which translates as "Roman". In ancient Russia, the plant was called Romanov grass. In the XVIII century, camomile was called only pharmacy and Persian camomile, but then this name became so popular with the people that it was called all similar plants. Here we can clarify that most of them are not daisies at all, they just have a great similarity to them, so the name "chamomile" has come into our everyday life, which has become so familiar to our ears, and for most flowers native, the name – chamomile.
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Among the most famous daisies growing on the territory of Russia are the following: Roman, Dalmatian, German, Caucasian, nivyanik. The latter occurs most often, it is distinguished by large inflorescences. In the number of names it has no equal, as it is only not called: popovnik, belyushka, belogolovnik, Lesnaya maryasha, Tyagun, krytka, ramonok, Belitsa-grass, Ivan's flower, Sunny, daughter-in-law, bachelorette, stotsvet, vorozhka. Apparently, the last name was given to her due to the fact that it wreaths for various rites and divination, and her petals ask for advice in life, and in matters of the heart: "will come true will come true; love – not love"...

In short, the chamomile is the mistress of boundless Russian meadows.