Streaming Services Should Make Good Content

in GEMS4 years ago

Streaming services like Netflix always want more people to sign up for their service and watch their videos. Amazon Prime Video practically begs people to watch. The one thing they seem to be forgetting though is that in order to get a lot of people watching a lot of videos, they need to put out good content.

Both Netflix and Amazon and similar services tend to pump out piles and piles of garbage that appeal to very narrow audiences. When they actually release a hit, something like Lost in Space or the Mandalorian, they almost act surprised.

You would think after having a success they would keep working on having even more success. You would think they would figure out that having a show that appeals to a much broader audience and has a rating that is watchable by more people would lead to more success. But instead they almost act like they can't figure out why the shows that succeed do, and go right back to pumping out garbage again.

While Netflix certainly does plenty of this, Amazon Prime is even worse. If Amazon Prime ever released a truly good show with broad appeal it certainly wouldn't be based on their current strategy. As it is they dump their nearly limitless buckets of cash into, once again, garbage.

While Amazon was poised to accidentally have success with their new Lord of the Rings series, it looks like they may have even bungled that one, and now rumors are swirling they might not even release it after all.

And don't even get me started on the pure garbage heap that is Disney+, where other than the Mandalorian, the focus is far more on politics than entertainment and good story.

These companies could make volumes of good content if they could just figure it out, but they don't really seem interested in doing that.

They should just leave making bad content to me.