A big regards for everyone.
Participate in #TopHivers Initiative
This initiative supports hivers who are just beginning to know this hive full of opportunities that includes all genres existing in societies around the world and also to enhance the excellent work done by people with great ability, creativity, skill and professionalism and neatness. in each entry and work carried out raising the quality levels in their presentations based on their growth through experience by having time to contribute ideas in this prestigious community.
I start by giving the first application to @agmoore for his perseverance since 2018 developing high-level creative work, raising quality and encouraging and motivating with his moral support and analysis of his appreciations of each job you do within the hive in the different contests in which he participates as the realization of the collage where the creative and competitive level grows considerably in each edition or competition.
Continuing with the applications, the second person to apply is @lagatayarit, a new member of this hive with just two (2) months active from entering the world for the first time, she already started on the right foot presenting her culinary qualities, her skills hand-knitted and what is surprising that high-level competition has already been entered into by creating high-level creative collage entering the voting box for the choice of the best job, representing the Venezuelan woman for her gallantry and fighting character in life a despite the difficulties.
I close the applications with the third person called @tormenta Venezuelan woman fighter and professional her work done in the different competitions that has participated has developed an impressive creative capacity and has grown to a very high level being almost always or mostly in the first places in the different contests in which he has participated receiving cures in a short time of publication by curators who have nothing to do with the contests he has participated in. I have learned a lot from this beautiful woman and she has helped me grow and carry out good quality work and tickets for the enjoyment of all. I think that the necessary support has not been given to the dedication and work carried out by this Venezuelan woman who has great creativity ability to combine art and imagination.
Dear elcorrecamino,
I wish you well in this contest. I hope it brings the notice and reward you deserve.
Your friend in art,
AG I am so honored to be considered by you in such a positive light. I would not have included myself on this list. I don't even know what to say that won't sound like false modesty. Your work, and @tormenta's, inspire me and serve as models as I try to create. There's always a blend of art craft and concept in your pieces. And in every instance grace and kindness infuse your work. I'm not as familiar with @lagatayarit,but as you say, there is originality and style in her work.
Thank you for the compliment of being part of your inspiration and role model.I am fair and very observant of the work of others to learn and above all, their work, support and constructive analysis, they are carried out with great humility and respect on their part, which help and motivate you to keep going. thanks and regards.
good recommendations! will check those accounts.