Very well, I'll explain this new thing I just came to my crazy head, I'm always talking about real-life history and science stuff but I've always loved fantasy and things like that so I thought "MDFK why not pay some respect to fiction as well" so in this LORE series I'm gonna delve into the history or curiosities in fiction may it be book, videogames or movies because that's what nerds do! YES! In this very first issues of LORE we're gonna get to know better the legend of our favorite yell-happy character, the cousin of dragons Skyrim's Dragonborn!!!
Source: GIPHY
Now, what is a Dragonborn? A Dragonborn is a mortal gifted with the power, blood, and soul of a dragon, a gift bestowed by the leader of the nine divines, the pantheon of gods in the Elder Scrolls series, really important people, ok? Akatosh, the Dragon-God of time, the Dragonborn are really rare, but to compensate this they show immense power capable of changing the events in history no like time traveling or anything, they just hit stuff so hard that it makes them important
Because of this gift from Akatosh, the Dragonborn enjoy a vast array of special powers that make him/her be able to absorb the soul, power, and knowledge of a slain dragon, be able to instinctually learn Rothmulag Words of Power to the uninitiated in the dragon language and be able to shout them in form of Thu'um, they way dragons actually speak for Dragons speaking is the same as fighting, talk about toxic timeless, immortal beings
The main character in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a Dragonborn, but this doesn't mean you're THE Dragonborn in fact there have been many across history, like St. Alessia who made a pact with Akatosh to bring peace to Tamriel or Reman Cyrodiil who defended the empire against the Akaviri invasions or the entire Septim bloodline who ruled over Tamriel, whoever these didn't share the same awesome powers boooo throws po - ta -toes boil em, mash em, put em in a stew that the Last Dragonborn you in Skyrim, you follow? Good but Miraak, the self-proclaimed First Dragonborn and Tiber Septim AKA TALOS AKA THE GOD-KING OF HUMANKIND SOUNDS HORNS very much did, so that makes like two kinds of Dragonborns of some sort
In Skyrim, you as the Dragonborn have a major role to play saving the world from Alduin the World-Eater, firstborn of Akatosh, so much so that you even have your own prophecy, that goes like this:
When misrule takes its place at the eight corners of the world
When the Brass Tower walks and Time is reshaped
When the thrice-blessed fail and the Red Tower trembles
When the Dragonborn Ruler loses his throne, and the White Tower falls
When the Snow Tower lies sundered, kingless, bleeding
The World-Eater wakes, and the Wheel turns upon the Last Dragonborn.
Source: GIPHY
Pretty cool shit right, I got the goosebumps The Last Dragonborn is said to be the most powerful of all Dragonborns, this is because is set to stop Alduin by the prophecy and because you can go into blows with Miraak and defeat him, you need the DLC for this one however, is curious that because you can create this character, no hard evidence is ever found in the lore, but you create it as you play the game as well as you create your character you can even be a Khajiit Dragonborn if you like, those guys in Sovngarde sure will be confused, lmao
Source: GIPHY
Other Sources
Dragonborn (Lore) | The Elder Scrolls Wiki
Last Dragonborn | The Elder Scrolls Wiki
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Official Trailer | Bethesda Softworks
Skyrim Lore: Dragonborn Secrets! | MrRhexx
Dragonborn (Skyrim): The Story You Never Knew | Treesicle
Ahhhhh... I love good game lore! I'm currently devouring the lore from BattleTech... it's been quite a few years since I checked in with it and it was all about the Clan invasion and Comstar defeating them. Now, it has gotten quite a bit more complex!
Dude, the same thing happened to me with Magic: The Gathering Lore, I stopped playing in The Kamigawa set and I tried to get onto it again two years ago and so much had happened that I didn't understand any of it lol
Entiendan, no importa si eres un gatito o un reptiliano, SERAS DOVAKIIN
HAHAHAHAa reptiliano suena a que vas a crear una conspiracion en Skyrim, los dragpones dejan un chemtrail xD
pst, es Dovahkiin
JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA Un Kajiit Dragonborn (WTF IS THAT?!) todo el mundo ahí derrochando su odio con esmero jajaja me encantaaaa, yo sufro un pelo de racismo igual pero soy el mmgvo Dragonborn y también soy el Harbinger marditos desgraciados, así que jódanse JAJA
Uy si cualquier vaina weon yo llegue a ser Harbinger también y hasta director del colegio de magia sin lanzar un solo spell, el sistema de educación de esa vaina esta jodida