The Little Iguana who visited me.
Hello dear friends of the Hive! In other occasions iguanas have passed by here and I have managed to make some posts, but this time the iguana is small, I had never seen them of that size, it seemed to me very tender, its colors are very showy.

We realized that it was in the garden, because my mother and I were watering the bushes when suddenly something jumped out and moved very fast, my mother shouted Watch out!... she thought it was a snake, but when we saw that it was climbing a branch, we realized that it was a small iguana that we had given a good bath to.

He quickly landed on top of a branch to dry himself with the sun... I told him; "I'm sorry iguana, we didn't mean it.

Something that called my attention a lot, is how skillful they are at camouflaging themselves among the leaves and branches, there was a moment when I looked away to move and when I turned my eyes I couldn't find it and my mom was telling me that you have it in front of you and I was answering her Where, where! I could not distinguish her from the leaves despite the difference in color.

I remember investigating some things about these reptiles a few months ago, they lay their eggs underground in the month of February, so if my calculations are correct this iguana is only three months old or nearly so.

Fuente de Fotos: Propias capturadas con una cámara Síragon.
Modificado el tamaño: Con el Programa Paint.
Photo Source: Own photos captured with a Síragon camera.
Modified size: With the Paint Program.
As you can see in the last picture, the thorns are already beginning to sprout from the ridge that will grow on his neck and back over the next 33 months. He mentioned this because I read that iguanas are considered adults at 36 months, and also if they manage to reach maturity, they will reach approximately 70 cm.
I would like to say goodbye to all of you and express my deep gratitude for the support you constantly give me in my publications...
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Curador: @byercatire

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