The Mountain of a Dream ... Drawing in Cold Painting...
Hello friends of the hive!… From a very young age something has happened to me that my parents tell me is normal, there are days when I get up with a word in mind oh the name of someone, but it becomes more repetitive with images and I spend all day projecting that image into my mind. So I decided that when it happened again I would paint it.
The day it happened again I was ready and quickly had breakfast and prepared to paint before this image became more confusing.
I started with the easiest thing that went through my mind, the sun and the clouds, but I realized that it had no green color and what followed were some mountains, so I quickly mixed the necessary colors to get green.
At that time I remembered something that my parents told me; sometimes when we try to remember or tell someone about the dream we realize that it becomes confusing, that is, there are places that are but are not at the same time, it is very strange or you also see someone but when you turn around and see it again it is not the same person, it is crazy.
I remembered mountains like Roraima, which is a tepui that is located here in my country Venezuela, and at the same rhythm of the dream I was drawing, but I remembered that later those mountains were no longer tepui but rather were snow-covered peaks, as it is the mirror peak or the bolivar peak, which are also located here in my country, in the Andes.
I had to mix a softer blue to paint the most confusing of the dream and that was that there were many rivers coming down from the mountains it was something inexplicable but I still tried to draw it, ah another thing that they already saw that I did it and I have not named it, they were falling A lot of lightning and it was raining it was a very heavy rain but at the same time it was also like a snow storm.
Despite the confusing and changing dream I was able to express it in the drawing and even more importantly I managed to get to the end, despite the fact that at times I did not think I could.
This has been my first experience in capturing in a drawing something difficult to express with words and it has been great I will be very attentive so that when it happens again try again, I thank you very much for accompanying me in my dream, until next time.
Fuente de Fotos: Propias capturadas con una cámara Síragon.
Modificado el tamaño: Con el Programa Paint.
Photo Source: Own photos captured with a Síragon camera.
Modified size: With the Paint Program.
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Hola @elmundodexao… Este post está bastante creativo te felicito.
Gracias @sekhet fue un gran desafió para mi hacer este dibujo. Gracias por comentar, que tengas un lindo día.