Saludos comunidad, me presento: Soy Emilio López y quiero compartir con ustedes un poco mi experiencia como nomada digital, y de igual forma como llegue aca.
Greetings community, I introduce myself: I am Emilio Lopez and I want to share with you my experience as a digital nomad, and how I got here.
But first of all I want to tell you that this will be my new account because the previous one @ejrlopez I lost full access to it, so I have decided to open again this one with a new content structure.
Mi carrera como fotografo o nomada digital comenzo hace 6 años donde emprendí como un afiocionado en la fotografia, pase por muchas etapas hasta llegar a donde he llegado hoy, a medida que iba creciendo, tomaba mas acciones recurrentes para lograr los obejtivos.
My career as a photographer or digital nomad began 6 years ago where I started as an amateur in photography, I went through many stages to get to where I am today, as I was growing, I took more recurring actions to achieve my goals.Con el pasar del tiempo me sucedia que sufria de muchos bloqueos creativos por lo tanto les comento que aparte de ser fotografo era atleta de ciclismo, justo alli supe que era mi area de liberar todos esos bloqueos para tener cratividad a la hora de realizar cualquier contenido.
As time went by I suffered from a lot of creative blocks, so I tell you that apart from being a photographer I was a cycling athlete, right there I knew that it was my area to release all those blocks to have creativity when it comes to making any content.
Pero con el tiempo tuve que ir dejando el ciclismo debido a que realizaba mas trabajos y el liberar mis bloqueos ya lo hacia de la mejor manera que era realizando sesiones de fotografia y creando contenido diversos para mis plataformas.
But over time I had to stop cycling because I was doing more work and releasing my blockages and I was doing it in the best way which was doing photo shoots and creating various content for my platforms.