A greeting great family of Hive, I want to share with you all a little of my happiness, for a long time I did not paint the door of my house, because I did not have the budget to do it, but thank God for putting in my way this wonderful platform, I could paint the door of my house, which was a great achievement in my home.
Así se veía mi puerta antes de pintarla, si pueden notar, estaba muy fea, sucia, desgastada, por eso quería pintarla, de verdad fue una gran felicidad pintarla, todo lo logramos con esfuerzo y dedicación, estoy realmente feliz por eso.
This is how my door looked before I painted it, if you can notice, it was very ugly, dirty, worn out, that's why I wanted to paint it, it was really a great happiness to paint it, we achieved everything with effort and dedication, I'm really happy about that.
Comencé a pintar la puerta hasta cubrirla por completo pase varias manos, para que quedará muy linda, también pinte la reja poco a poco, mientras dejaba secar, esto fue un gran logro.
I started to paint the door until it was completely covered with several coats, so that it would be very nice, I also painted the grille little by little, while I let it dry, this was a great achievement.
This was my final result, I am really happy with the result, thank you Hive family.
All photos are my own.
Se que para muchos pueden ver algo como pintar una puerta normal, pero sinceramente me siento tan feliz por ti y tu familia, son logros que gracias a esta comunidad uno va teniendo y eso es genial.