Fascinating Nature : Yellow Allamanda [ Allamanda cathartica ]

in GEMS4 years ago


As I said before, I have 2 colors of ornamental plants Allamanda or in Latin known as Allamanda cathartica. Actually this flower / ornamental plant has 5 color variants, but I only have 2, for 3 more colors I am still looking for a color complement to this plant collection at home.

Seperti yang saya katakan sebelumnya, Saya memiliki 2 warna tanaman hias Allamanda atau dalam latin dikenal Allamanda cathartica. Sebenarnya bunga/tanaman hias ini memiliki 5 varian warna, namun saya hanya memiliki 2 saja, untuk 3 warna lagi masih sedang mencari sebagai pelengkap warna koleksi tanaman ini dirumah.







When asked which of the 2 colors I like the most, Yellow is the more obvious. I really like yellow, because the contrast looks beautiful, especially when the sun is shining in the front yard of the house.

Jika ditanya diantara 2 warna yang paling saya sukai, Kuning adalah yang lebih kentara. Saya memang menyukai warna kuning, karena kontrasnya terlihat indah, apalagi ketika mentari menyinari di halaman depan rumah.


There are three other colors that I still hunt, namely Purple, Red and White. So far I have not found the three colors, let alone the majority in our area have the same plants and the same colors, Yellow and Pink.

Ada tiga warna lainnya yang masih menjadi buruan saya, yaitu Ungu, Merah dan Putih. Sejauh ini saya belm menemukan ketiga warna itu, apalagi mayoritas di daerah kami memiliki tanaman yang sama dan warna yang sama pula, Kuning dan Pink.


In Indonesia, this Allamanda flower is already familiar, here it is known as the Trumpet Flower, the shape of the flower that blooms reflects the shape of a trumpet, so this flower is also called Trumpet Flower in my area. How about in your area, are these Allamanda flowers also familiar, or do you even have some of the colors I'm looking for, hmmm ...

Di Indonesia Bunga Allamanda ini memang sudah tidak asing lagi, disini dikenal dengan sebutan Bunga Terompet, bentuk bunganya yang mekar mencerminkan wujud terompet maka bunga ini pun dinamakan Bunga Terompet di daerah saya. Bagaimana dengan di daerah anda, apakah bunga jenis Allamanda ini juga familiar, atau bahakan anda memiliki beberapa warna yang sedang saya cari, hmmm...


All Pictures were taken by Canon Powershot A3200IS

Hive Gift by @doze


I remember seeing these all over in mexico when i visited there as a kid. They get very rangy and spread out a lit you can see them take over whole areas of gardens and walls.

Amazing you have see all of these color, I just have two, Pink and Yellow, I still looking for some of color about this plant :D

I saw mostly yeellow ones in mexico. But I bet they come in reds and whites too. Beautiful vine. My favourite flowering vine is the mandevilla

yup Red and White ever I found it in the past, but I forgot it where. In Indonesia the violet ones will be pay for high price < I looking for these color more :D

Cantik sekali sudah bunga terompetnya Buk!

Iya kak, ini yang pink muda juga lagi lebat bunganya. Sedang cari yang warna ungu, masih belum ketemu. Kalau sudah ada info contact-contact lah...

Di kampung-kampung buk hai banyak bunga kek gitu...

Iya, masalahnya ga ada warna ungu, karena warna ungu yang lagi rame peminatnya :D

Warna ungu ga ada, kalau adapu jarang buk!

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