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RE: Photos from my travels

in GEMS3 years ago

The best way to learn about a token is to go to Hive Engine

You type the token name in the search box and it gives you the token.


Click the "i" letter, which leads to some information you need


You have the URL to the website and description about the token. Or check the communities as I have showed you previously.

There's no list of general tags as far as I know, we know them because we've been here for awhile. I'd like to use these
neoxian, proofofbrain, mancave, palnet, archon. You won't get in trouble for these.

Proofofbrain is a community with no niche topic, you can check it out to see if you like it. Posting from their fronted has some benefits as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Well thank you very much, I appreciate you taking the time to assist. I'm pretty new, and I have just been learning as I go. I will apply my tags accordingly from here on. 👍

My pleasure, happy to help anytime. Better ask before you get into trouble :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta