Me llamo Ernesto linares soy de maracaibo capital zuliana les vengo hablar de la gaita zulia y sus inicios
"Origenes de la gaita"
hablando con mis familiares y amigo me comentan que salio a fines de siglo 19 , traicionamlente la gaita y sus cantos a la devocion de decembrina en el barrio de santa lucia se reune todo los diciembre o cuando se acerca la bajada de la virgen chiquinquira la patrona de todos los zulianos todo sus artitas o gaiteros de la zona le canta una serenata todos los años "17 y 18" noviembre cuando sale la virgen a sus calles maracaiberas para que su LA genta la reciva con tanta devocion y cariño
No solo se escucha los diembre las gaita sino todo el año es un icono en cada casa, calle, o barrio que se escucha sus cantares cada dia
La gaita se a caracterizados por sus frescura de cada letra o interpreta de su musica ,antes lo gaitero iniciaban sus estrofas con los siguite
"Anda vete, que traes el en bolsillo,chocolate y pan con queso"
"Versos Gaitero"
"pa la falta que me haceis,No volvaias,que molleja primo,Que arranque el cuatro "
"Instrumento del gaietro"
Furro, cuatro, maracas, charrasca y tambora
se fabrica con un tambor cilindrco cubiera con cuero y en el medio ena espiga de madera.
" Maracas"
estan hechas por una fruta que se llama tapara es hueca para su sonido se le colocan unas semullas que son del tamaño de las lentejas para que haga el sonido
instrumento metalico con huequitos o estrias ,, es algo cilindrico puede ser de metal o bronce
" Tambora"
es caja redonda o cilindrica echa de madera y la forran con cuero fijado a su parte de arriba tambien con sus 2 palos de media altura que producen su sonido
es un instrumento de madera con cuerda fijatas es hueco
"Giteros que son iconos del zulia "
Ricardo Cepeta
Ricardo Aguirre
Astolfo Romero
Neguito Borjas
Gitero del pillopo
"Gaitas que representa al zuliano"
"El ferry
Cuando el puente no existía
Y el lago querías cruzar
Te podías embarcar
en un ferri noche y día
de mimbre eran las sillitas
donde hacías el recorrido
y tomabas complacido
una espumosa friita
Salen de palmarejo
Y de aquí de Maracaibo
El paseo más bonito
Navegando por el lago
Tres reales si vais a pies
Y cinco bolos en carro
y fue el puente sobre el lago
majestuoso y colosal
quien puso punto final
a ese transporte añorado
pero un barco petrolero
se estrello contra el coloso
dándole pase forzoso
al ferri maracaibero
La cola era un desespero
Pa Maracaibo llegar
Que enfermo me hice pasar
Y me pusieron primero
Ahora dejen que les cuente
Que entre cada travesía
Pude ver como crecía
En el lago nuestro puente
"My name is Ernesto Linares. I am from Maracaibo, the capital of Zulia. I have come to talk to you about the bagpipe of Zulia and its beginnings."
"Origins of the bagpipe"
Talking to my family and friends, they tell me that it came out at the end of the 19th century, treacherously, the bagpipe and its songs to the Christmas devotion in the neighborhood of Santa Lucia, it meets every December or when the descent of the Virgin Chiquinquira the patron approaches of all the Zulianos all his artists or pipers in the area sing him a serenade every year "17 and 18" November when the virgin comes out to its streets of Maracaibo so that his LA people receive her with so much devotion and affection
The bagpipes are not only heard in December, but throughout the year they are an icon in every house, street, or neighborhood that their songs are heard every day.
The bagpipe is characterized by its freshness of each letter or interpretation of its music, before the piper began their stanzas with the following
"Come on, go, what do you bring in your pocket, chocolate and bread with cheese"
"Piper Verses"
"For what you need me, you would not return, what a gizzard cousin, let the four start"
"Instrument of the gaietro"
Furro, four, maracas, charrasca and tambora
It is made with a cylindrical drum covered with leather and a wooden dowel in the middle.
They are made by a fruit called tapara, it is hollow for its sound, some seeds that are the size of lentils are placed to make the sound.
metal instrument with holes or grooves, it is somewhat cylindrical, it can be made of metal or bronze
It is a round or cylindrical box made of wood and it is lined with leather fixed to its upper part also with its 2 half-height sticks that produce its sound
it is a wooden instrument with fixed strings it is hollow
"Giteros who are icons of zulia"
Ricardo Cepeta
Ricardo Aguirre
Astolfo romero
Neguito Borjas
Gitero del pillopo
"Bagpipes representing the Zulian "
"The ferry"
When the bridge did not exist
And the lake you wanted to cross
You could embark
on a ferry night and day
wicker were the little chairs
where were you doing the tour
and you were pleased
a frothy fry
They come out of palmarejo
And from here in Maracaibo
The most beautiful walk
Sailing on the lake
Three reales if you go to feet
And five bowling in a car
and it was the bridge over the lake
majestic and colossal
who put an end to it
to that longed-for transport
but an oil tanker
crashed into the colossus
giving him a forced pass
to the maracaibero ferry
The queue was a despair
To get to Maracaibo
How sick I made myself pass
And they put me first
Now let me tell you
That between each crossing
I could see how it grew
On the lake our bridge