Hola nuevamente comunidad de Hive.
Hello again Hive community.
Today I want to share with all of you a pretty radical and cool change of look, I did this haircut for a good friend from childhood named Gregorio, we have always been pretty close and we usually support each other in the crazy ideas that we come up with.

In my beginnings cutting hair he was the first person who trusted me and in my phrase of that moment "brother there are two options: the first that everything goes well and you are happy or the second that you are bad and you have to shave", then as I was starting in this world of barbering I did not have much knowledge and not much practice, but still he trusted me. The first results were not very good, but he was always my unconditional test person, I can say with gratitude that he helped me to improve. Although eventually my friend went to the military service, so I had to shave him completely.

From then on, every time he came I cut his hair, but they were clean military cuts, super simple and I felt that in one way or another I was helping him with his project, which was to be a military man. Although during a test he suffered an accident that caused him a very strong injury in one leg for which he was given a medical discharge and later retired.

It could be said that from then on he lived a very sad stage in his life, together with his disappointment in the military service due to his injury, things were not very good with his girlfriend and the situation was tense, after a few months he discovered an infidelity that broke his heart and all this led him to become depressed, he almost did not leave his house, he lost weight and the truth is that he looked pretty bad.

After a long time without a haircut, I invited him and decided to start with a change of look. With a modern design and according to his physique, this change of look filled me with complete satisfaction because I managed to raise a little his self-esteem to my great friend and I did all this with my own hands. This was the result and I hope you like it.

¡Gracias por leer mi post!
Thanks for reading my post!
Camera: CellPhone Xiaomi Redmi Note 8
Pictures of my Property
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)